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@Seirsly Thanks for the reply. Daughter is really wanting Purdue and it is looking more and more like it is the right place for her! The positive vibe from current students is a plus, and certainly comes off from students like you.

She’ll have tons of fun at BGR (though it can be somewhat of an intense experience!) if she decides to become a Boilermaker. I’m sure she’ll do great anywhere though.

Well she is loving the sound of all of the band opportunities there too. Engineering plus bands is a great mix for her.

A couple of years ago, D was also admitted to pre-pharm LC and honors college.

I think she said, in honor college, there are special events and some honor courses to take. I am not sure what it means to your degree, there maybe has a little paper that says something to that affect. D didn’t think it was worth it or even possible if you were to follow the pre-pharm path. The curriculum is pretty much fixed and lasts only 2 years. There is not enough flexibility to complete the honor credits.

The freshmen in pre-pharm LC live in Shreve Hall (the honors students’ dorm). The pre-pharm takes up the whole top floor and part of the next floor down. Girls on one wing, Boys on the other. You get to know the students that go to class with you. There are some events together within your LC or with other LCs, depending on how active your Resident Assistant is (an upperclassman who lives on your floor).
It’s nice to live in the LC, but it does not make or break you if you don’t. You also live there just for 1 year, after that, students scatter all over.


Band is a huge time commitment (marching band is at least). It might be hard to balance being heavily involved in marching band and engineering activities.

My son has a 3.2 un-weighted gpa and 3.8 weighted gpa and a 35 ACT. He is a high school junior and interested in attending Purdue for computer science (college of science). He has two different extracurricular activities in addition to NHS. Any thoughts on his likelihood of being admitted with a relatively low gpa, but high test scores?

@HoosierKate‌ purdue is very lenient in admissions so they’ll consider his high test score over his GPA

@Seirsly Thanks. She is not thinking marching band, but would love to do some other type of ensemble like orchestra, wind symphony, or jazz band. She found a great pdf document online from 2013 that described the music offerings and there appears to be something there that she will be able to manage. Also, Purdue does not have a school of music, which means that everyone in a band is like her–studying something else but in love with music and playing an instrument. Well in her case she plays many instruments.

I was accepted for Actuarial Science in the College of Science. If I wish to change my major within the College of Science, how/when would I go about doing so, and is it even possible?

It’s called CODOing. Talk to your advisor as soon as possible.

Could someone pls tell me the course flexibility that is offered in Purdue? In which year / semester does declaring the major becomes compulsory? Although the admission is given for a branch of engineering, do students have a chance to change their major, during the course?

I’ve heard a lot of mixed things about Purdue. Though it’s engineering department of great, I’m concerned with the scope of the campus outside that realm. As an Asian Indian, will I feel out of place and be treated differently? Are other minorities generally discriminated against? Are there many hate crimes on campus and in the surrounding city? Please be honest.

@stressed4lyfe‌ I visited Purdue a couple times over the past year and there’s a sizable Asian Indian population. I go to an Indiana high school in the middle of nowhere (I’m Chinese) and I’ve never been discriminated against. I doubt Purdue can possibly be any worse.

How hard is it to get into Purdue Engr?

Pretty difficult. Especially since more and more people are applying for it. I don’t think Purdue Engineering can really be considered anybody’s safety school anymore.

@Seirsly what are the average ‘class timings’ for FYE lectures?
What is there to do for fun at WL?
Is there a vibrant social scene? :stuck_out_tongue:

FYE lectures as in the math, science, ENGR 131/132 lectures? They vary wildly. CHM 115/116 labs are famously held at 7:30 am (at least they still were 3 years ago). ENGR 131 can start anytime from 7:30am till around 3:30 pm.

Classes are scheduled to occur between 7:30am and 5:30pm. 7:30 and 4:30 classes are pretty rare though.

Join clubs, we have a few hundred (archery, bouldering, shooting, sky diving, knitting, coding, etc). The gym has a ton of fun clubs and cheap lessons.

If you mean parties and drinking, yeah. If you mean hanging out, yep.

And how many credits do students do per sem? The website states 13-15, but what are the minimum and maximum no. of credits that you can do in one semester?

@Seirsly‌ I’m currently looking for a dorm to live in, but there isn’t a lot of information out there. Is Hillenbrand open to freshman this coming Fall? If so, are there any spaces open? Also, which dorm houses the prettiest girls at Purdue? (on campus housing)

My “Decision” and “Decision Letter” columns finally came up last Monday/Tuesday. It still says “Application In Process”. Anyone else still got this? Btw I applied for Computer Science-BS at the College of Science. Is it hard to get into?