Ask Questions about Stern Here

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MODERATOR’S NOTE: Anyone is free to ask or answer questions in this thread.

  1. What freshman dorms usually have the majority of Stern kids?
  2. Are the Stern classes relatively harder in comparison to CAS or other schools?
  3. Do students usually intern after their first year? If so, how is that process like?
  4. Are the stigmas surrounding Stern true? That they are incredibly cliquey, antisocial and all "try-hards."
  5. What advice would you give to an incoming freshman wanting to get a job out of Stern in IB/Consulting/S&T? (How should they spend their next 4 years at nyu?)

I’ll have to make this kinda short cuz I’m procrastinating and my stats midterm is tomorrow.

  1. There is no particular “Sternie dorm”. If you’re asking cuz you want to be around Stern kids, trust me you’ll get plenty bored of that with your classes/ clubs etc. Go out and experiment, alot of times non Stern kids are alot more interesting.
  2. IMO Stern classes are a bit easier but it varies. My 1st sem liberal arts (CAS) classes brought down my GPA relative to my Spring Stern classes. There is the Stern curve tho, which may or may not work out in your favour. End of the day, it just really depends on the kind of hardwork you put in.
  3. I’m not. Freshmen Stern internships are hard to come by especially if you’re looking for something finance related in NYC. As for the process, you can either go on NYU’s CareerNet( there isnt alot on here for freshmen) or just cold call firms. Although if you are extremely, and I mean EXTREMELY proactive, you might land something. For me personally, I tried a bit but didn’t really want to devote too much time and instead chose to focus on my coursework and keeping up that GPA. Freshmen summer, I would recommend trying something in your hometown by milking those family connections.
  4. Generalizations regarding such things are generally not all true. It is true tho when I look around class I see a 70% Asian divide, but maybe thats just me. NYU in general to me seems a bit um…not antisocial but it can get kinda hard to make/ maintain friendships. It does really depend on how much effort you put into it (going to club meetings/ class/ chilling with people on your floor). All Stern kids are smart. As for their personalities, its quite a mix (which is to be expected)- some extremely outgoing/ some a bit nerdy but I seem to like a little bit nerdy but again, thats just me.
  5. Honestly, come to Stern, there’ll be plenty of advice floating around regarding jobs. Just keep one thing in mind- there’s plently of BS floating around. After all much of the advice/ information you’re gonna get is from your peers and you must realize that they are just that, your peers, not MDs at GS.
    One major piece of advice- Go all out during Welcome Week( NYU’s orientation week). Try and be extremely proactive in introducing yourself to random people.Just sit down and start chatting with people at dining halls. The first month or so is the only time during your college career where this won’t be seen as weird, so take advantage of it. If you dont, you’ll be lonely and miserable. It’s sink or swim. That might have been a bit harsh, but I’ve seen people go home after a semester because they expected an experience to be catered to them, and instead they sat alone in the dorms while other people sought out great experiences. Look up clubs and try out their meetings. Maybe think of biz frats. AKPsi and DSP are 2 of the big ones here. Also, if youre thinking of applying for an on campus job, I would start looking for stuff on careernet even before you come here. They are extremely competitive and tend to go away quick, like real quick.
    Goddamn that was long and now I’m screwed for the midterm. Maybe the karma’ll help me. Probably not

@TheMantisShrimp yea i already have friends in AKPsi and they said its an awesome experience! I honestly just want to have a good time partying, making friends, getting good grades, interning, and getting an awesome job at the end hahah. Thanks for your answers though they really helped :slight_smile: GO KILL THAT F***ING MIDTERM!

This may be stupid but what’s the dress code like if it is existent? Do students come to class in a full blown suit? Or is it business casual like khakis and a button down? Or can I just wear normal everyday clothes like jeans hahah. I’ll be a freshman next year!

I got a 750+ on my SAT Writing.Will I still be able to be exempted from WTE or Commerce&Culture? I think it’s okay a couple of years ago, but I don’t see such policy this year?

If not, do you suggest WTE or Commerce&Culture? In terms of GPA and workload? Heard WTE is a real GPA buster LOL

@businessguy12 As long as you don’t skimp out on the underwear you’ll be fine.
@bunnyCC If you got a 750 you’ll be exempt from taking WTE but still have to take C&C which from I gather is lesser workload (grading varies though). Honestly, although C&C would have been lighter, I felt like I improved as a writer as a result of WTE, you might want to consider it.

So casual is fine? Haha

Yes young Anakin, casual is fine . I would get a pair of formals though.

Another question I have: how is the night life at NYU? Is there more of a club scene or more rooftop/house parties?

1.I have a good CR+M score (1470) but I got only a 610 on writing. Does writing really matter that much for stern?
2. How important is being in honors math classes for Stern? I’m a junior now, and will have taken regular math my first three years of high school, but I plan on taking Calculus at a community college over the summer, AP STAT and AP comp sci during my senior year. Does this look bad?
3. Does applying to a major that is not in demand (like marketing instead of finance) make admission chances easier? I think you can switch to whatever you like whenever you want?
4. What would be a good score to get on the Math 2 subject test? I was shooting for an 800, but now I don’t know if I can see myself getting it…
5. How hard is Stern? How much do you study a week?

Also do you think I would have a good shot applying ED with a 1470/1600 (2080/24000) A 3.8 UW Gpa. Also i took two AP junior (with three honors) and I will be taking 5 AP senior year with 1 honors. I am white, male and do not need any financial assistance.


Is it difficult to pursue a variety of non-Stern extracurricular activities (arts-related or even science-related) and earn good grades at the same time? How much of a claim does Stern make on your time?