I would love to get into the Columbus campus my freshman year of college in the future. Ohio State University has been my dream ever since I could speak. I was wondering what are my chances of being accepted into this particular University. </p>
<p>My G.P.A. Is an accumulative of 3.72
My freshen year I took 3 honors classes
Currently my sophomore year I am taking 2 honors classes
In my junior year, that I have already scheduled, I am taking 3 AP classes and 2 honors classes
I have not planned my senior year yet
I have done track and field for 2 years and Stomp team
I am on the Speech and Debate Team and I am also trying out for the Girls Lacrosse team
I applied for student council last week so I hope to hear good news 
I took the Pre ACT and scored am average of 27-29
I don’t know if it helps that I’m African-American, not trying to bring race into the issue but I heard that it could help on border line applications </p>
<p>So what are my chances? Any Comments would be helpful and Go BUCKS!!!</p>
<p>Keep it up kid you’ll be fine! Race isn’t an issue I think your in if you keep that GPA steady and you write a good, passionate essay.</p>
<p>If it helps, I only had a 26 ACT and 1170 SAT. I had an extremely well written essay, great letters of recommendation, and a very high GPA. I also made a separate, professional resume and sent it to admissions. Now, Im officially a buckeye heading out to Columbus this fall</p>
<p>Thanks so much! And good luck at OSU you’re so blessed.</p>
<p>Yeah you’re set for OSU for sure–just make sure you take the ACT at least twice to maximize that score. If you get a 30, you may get into the Honors Program as well.</p>
<p>Let me know if you have any other questions!
-OSU Senior</p>
<p>Thank you so much! So how hard is it to recieve a full ride to this particular University?
~Go Bucks!!
I’m so devoted.</p>
<p>Depends what you define as full ride…full tuition may not be super hard, but completely covering tuition, housing, meals, books, etc. is incredibly rare. I only know one friend that goes here that was able to pull that off, and the guy is sort of a genius.</p>
<p>But I’m sure you’ll still get plenty of aid!</p>
<p>True. I will most likely apply to small lump scholarships so it would hopefully cover it all. sorry if I’m asking you alot of questions I am just so excited that this school since it is close and My mother works at OSU medical center so I can get half off tuition.
Q: is there any dorms on campus that are single and have bathrooms inside the rooms? I’m sociable ut I still need space to get away. I like the “scene” too whatever that is but I do enjoy just being chill. So is there anything on campus like that?</p>
<p>There are some singles on campus, however I’m not aware of any for freshmen that also have bathrooms. They are typically hard to come by since there are so few, and I am not sure how realistic they are for freshmen. I would definitely apply for a Super Double if possible–it is the most expensive option, but by far worth it. I’m not sure freshmen are able to actually get super doubles, but definitely try. </p>
<p>Super double’s have their own bathrooms and one roommate; many dorms on south that are regular double’s use a community bathroom. I was in a quad on south campus freshmen year which definitely gave more space per person than a regular double…it was definitely a great experience to live in a quad, but it depends on what kind of person you are. </p>
<p>Whatever your situation, you will most likely quickly get used to it, so I wouldn’t worry too much!</p>
<p>Thank you. You’ve helped a lot.</p>