Assistance in formulating college lists![CS/Software Engineering at liberal campus for domestic applicant w/no state residency]

Drama would likely count as a performing art; if so, it should count for a fine art requirement.

If your high school is listed at University of California A-G Course List , see if your drama course counts as art for UC and CSU. Since ASU tends to market itself to California students, it would not be too surprising if it accepted the same type of courses for art as UC and CSU do. Note that if you search by course and put “drama” in the search box, you will find many courses that count as art for UC and CSU.

You could also ask ASU directly.

Even if the course you took does not count, you could add a visual or performing art course in senior year to cover that for any college that wants to see that (there are more colleges besides California and Arizona publics that want to see an art course for frosh applicants).


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