<p>How is ASTR 101? I was thinking about what to take for PL requirement and thought ASTR 101 could be a good class to take since I'm interested in astronomy. How is the class and which professor would you recommend (for Spring 2009 semester)?</p>
<p>I heard it’s probably harder than you think.</p>
<p>A lot of people think it’s just staring at stars and stuff, but there’s actually a lot of physics and math involved.</p>
<p>Yeah, it’s difficult enough that I dropped it this semester. I’m taking Psyc 101 instead…</p>
<p>From what I hear, the lab is tough, but the class itself isn’t so bad. Definitely not the easiest, but not going to kill you, either.</p>
<p>What is hard about the class is that you have to get a 95 to get an A in the class. Sucks. But the lab is a piece of cake- got a 100!</p>
<p>my d took it freshman year and liked it. i will find out the profs but pickaprof is your best bet</p>
<p>if you like physics & are up for a challenge, go for it. but if you’re looking for just an easy science class to knock out your gen ed requirement, take geology!!</p>
<p>also, don’t take this class at 8 a.m. i believe i was conscious for a grand total of two (2) class meetings…</p>