<p>Hi i have astro 101 with terry herter and lloyd and dsoc 101 with thomas hirschl. both of the classes have a ton of reading. for those of you whos taken these classes, how important are teh readings? do students do well even without reading? thanks</p>
<p>i took dsoc101 with a different professor, but there are two books for it. the general text you won't have to spend TONS of time on, there are concepts that you can grasp rather easily, but i know my prof had specific questions from the readings in 'mapping the social landscape,' the other book required for the course. there was tons of reading in that book, i think we completed like 90% of all of them (it was a pretty big book full of medium-long-very long readings). the 20-25% of the questions on the tests from MSL would have been impossible without having done those readings.</p>
<p>your professor might not be so strong on the second book, though... i would look into that.</p>