ASU transfer to UCB or same level universities

<p>Hi all, I am currently a freshmen at ASU, major in Finance. However I hate to live here. The life is so boring, and some people are really not nice to foreigner like me. So I am seeking to transfer.</p>

<p>Here's my profile
I have a GPA of 3.93, and I can say my courses are pretty hard. I know some of my teachers pretty well, so I guess it's easy to get three strong recommendations from them. The problem is that, I don't have any types of EC .. However I will have an intern in China this summer, and the company is a top100 hedge fund. And to be honest, my father helped me a lot on getting the job. I did get into UCLA, but I just don't like that area.</p>

<p>Also my SAT is 2200+, with 2400 on SAT2 (Math2, Physics, Chem)</p>

<p>How's my chance to get into UCB or the same level universities with good undergraduate business school? </p>

<p>Really appreciate your answers. Thank you</p>

<p>could anyone give me some advices?</p>

<p>My advice is that UCB will be difficult, especially if you want to stay in the realm of business/ finance… they have very low numbers for out of state enrollment, though I saw something about how they want to beef that number up for financial reasons. They also do not look at your SAT, which is too bad in your case because it’s pretty good. This means you need to focus on getting leadership experience while at ASU to compliment your internship abroad this summer, and keep your GPA as high as possible. </p>

<p>FYI, at Berkeley you’ll be applying to the Haas School of Business… so you might want to look into what they want for an applicant.</p>

<p>Other schools I would recommend are NYU Stern, U Chicago, Wharton, Columbia, Cornell, and Michigan (Ross). Of course there are 50+ other schools that I would recommend you look closely at to see which might fit you, all of which you can find on any business school ranking. They definitely should not be used to make a choice between two individual schools, but they are a great starting place to see what’s out there.</p>

<p>You can cruise the forums to see what type of transfer advice people give for these types of Universities, and it seems like you definitely have a strong academic record and have a shot at anything.</p>

<p>In any case keep that GPA up and good luck! I hope I helped.</p>

<p>hey were u able to transfer to ucb??</p>

<p>Or r u still in asu?</p>

<p>^The OP has not posted since Feb, so they are likely no long active. Also, when the OP posted, they had not yet applied for a transfer.</p>