ASU vs. Oregon?

<p>Hey guys, first time poster here. So, I've applied to and been accepted to both the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism at ASU and the School of Journalism and Communication at the University of Oregon. Any idea how the two stack up together? I know both aren't considered elite journalism programs, but are very good. Which is the better program/which would provide the best opportunities as an aspiring journalist?

<p>They are some of the top programs in the nation, I would say Oregon is maybe in the top 10 even. ASU also has an excellent program. Which college do you like better/which is cheaper for you?</p>

<p>Well, Oregon definitely has a better name and reputation than ASU. I haven’t visited Oregon yet, but I have visited the Walter Cronkite School and it was fantastic. However, my personal preference is still leaning a bit more towards Oregon than ASU. From a financial standpoint, Oregon is a bit more expensive, but the cost between the two is not a factor in my decision. I’m just not sure which program provides the best programs and opportunities (or if it even makes a difference, for that matter).</p>