Athletic resume question

<p>^^I’m not a fan of academic resumes either. I just mused on the idea of it can’t hurt. And if it can’t hurt then why not use one. Early in this thread I was more vocal about not using one, so I guess I’ve come around.</p>

<p>congrats to you daughter, I know a little bit about pac 10 sports, including rowing. Doesn’t Cal, USC, and Washington also have top women’s teams, along with Stanford? </p>

<p>I’m a bit to the south of Stanford and Cal, and in California being close is a relative term.</p>

<p>sounds like she’s sought after, have fun with helping her through it and please report back on how things are developing!</p>

<p>oh, and don’t forget to brag a little about your kid, she’s earned the fame, and you’ve earned bragging rights as a heck of a good parent for raising her!!!</p>

<p>Something happened yesterday that confirmed to me that the athletic resume my daughter took with her on her unofficial visits was well worth the effort. A coach from a school that my daughter visited in March was out to observe practice. She recognized my daughter, in a group of 40+ girls, and called her by name. She had not spent any time with this particular coach at her visit, just an introduction. I am pretty sure the photo of her on her resume was responsible for this recognition, not their brief meeting. Either that or this woman has an incredible memory for names and faces!</p>

<p>Forgot to add that at my daughter’s camp, they have had meetings on how to prepare an athletic resume. Also had a head coach from a large DI program in another sport come talk to them about the recruiting process.</p>

<p>Our student has a resume
which inclues contact info, academic stats, athletic stats and other ECs etc
One page–</p>

<p>We received some guidance from a family member on a board at a law school–abouth how to craft it so that no only is it helpful to coaches, its also helpful for Admission. The Bd member told us it was especially important that the academics were first because admissions would frown on athletics listed first on a general resume.</p>

<p>The resume - along with transcripts, test score reports etc has been sent to every coach asking for the info for pre-reads.</p>

<p>I’m returning to this thread to say that an additional benefit of an athletic resume is to have the athlete’s chief accomplishments recorded in an organized fashion, all in one place, and ready at a moment’s notice. First of all, this comes in handy for college and scholarship applications. Particularly senior year, your athlete will receive various honors and recognitions and may be asked to provide a brief bio. to newspapers or other organizations. In my D’s sport, the national-level competitions also request information on athletic honors as part of registration. Having this data handy is so helpful for kids with a busy schedule.</p>

<p>Our Ds had photo, contact info, grades/academics/test scores ALL on the upper half of the page. The lower section was sports-specific. </p>

<p>We sometimes used Word’s yellow highlighter function to mark certain items, before creating a PDF of the page. </p>

<p>That way, if the resume was passed among assistant/coaches on the team, one might think that another had highlighted that “fact”.</p>

<p>Did you use a sports/action type photo or a portrait?</p>

<p>I used a head shot on my daughter’s athletic resume. The resume I modeled her’s after had a wallet-sized head shot on the upper left and an action shot on the upper right. I did not have a decent action shot to use, so I just used the head shot.</p>

<p>We used an action photo but it was really taken on the sidelines, and not in the game.</p>

<p>Just thought I’d add my 2 cents:</p>

<p>My D and another girl on her team with better academic and athletic stats were going through the recruiting process at the same time. My D had an athletic/academic resume and a set of interview questions for coaches prepared before July of Junior year. Other girl assumed coaches knew about her and would be flocking to her, so did little to promote herself. Both signed up on same recruiting website (in this sport, website acts like your initial resume and is referenced by most coaches). D included all info - academic and athletic along with a personal statement, photos and videos. Other girl put minumum on site. D received hundreds of coach inquiries and had dozens of hour long + phone interviews. All coaches commented how impressed they were that D was so mature, organized and prepared for interviews. They told her that they were ready to work with her because they knew she was serious and they wouldn’t be wasting their time, and knew she would be accepted to the school because they already had her grades/scores. D received more official visit invitations that she could take. Other girl went on 2 visits cobbled together at the last minute.</p>

<p>Results: D was recruited by dozens of schools and received multiple NLI in mail in Nov. of senior year. She signed with the school she felt fit her best. D is happy about her choice and excited to start in the Fall. Other girl received no offers in the first round. In the second round (March), she had one offer to a school she felt was beneath her (and she was probably right). Ended up being the only school that made her an offer, so she took it. Her attitude has been, to say the least, sour - she doesn’t seem at all excited for school.</p>

<p>Moral of the story: If you show coaches that you are a serious and qualified candidate and you focus on schools where your stats are within their recruiting range/freshman profile acceptance range, you will rise up their list and be remembered. You don’t have to be the best athlete to be a great candidate. You need to have the entire package and show a mature interest in the team and the school. Coaches want athletes who will be academically successful and who will be mature enough to handle to extra responsibilities and pressure that go along with being a college athlete.</p>

<p>Great post meremom! And congratulations to your daughter, I hope her college experience is everything she hoped for.</p>

<p>Thanks for the kind words fishymom!</p>

<p>Meremom, do you mind sharing your daughter’s sport?</p>

<p>^^A great example of the power of being well-organized and well-prepared. Congrats to your DD, Meremom!</p>

<p>You are all so kind! I love the supportive community her at CC.</p>

<p>D is a swimmer. I understand it is different when your child is not in a timed/scored sport (like gymnastics, track, swimming, etc.), but I think the basic approach applies across the board. </p>

<p>The hardest thing for kids to do is talk about themselves. My D had her academic/EC profile, her coaches’ questionaire and her athletic resume on-hand at all times, so if a call came from a coach, she had the info at ther fingertips. She just sounded so much more mature and prepared as a result (I eavesdropped ALOT during these calls!). Some coaches even complimented her for LEADING the interview because her questions opened up whole areas of conversation. Initial contacts from coaches can be very awkward and not very focused (they are human too), so D being organized really made her memorable.</p>

<p>She took the time to write down the answers coaches gave to her questions and kept a file for each school. Then, when the time came to start narrowing down schools, she had concrete information to look at. By the time school started, she had a good idea where she thought she would fit best (clicked with coach, team members contacted her, etc.), which made deciding where to take visits easier.</p>