<p>From many of the posts I have read, Ive concluded that Amherst is a fairly preppy/athletic institution. While very interested in Amherst, I do have one concern. I am somewhat overweight- by no means fit or in good shape. Would someone who is not in good shape have much trouble fitting in at Amherst, and/or would I feel out of place as the only person there whos not a size 5? Id appreciate any insight you have to offer!</p>
<p>Bho, there are lots of great friends to be made at Amherst or at any other college. There are also a few shallow, idiotic people everywhere you go. If Amherst feels like a college that you would love, then apply!</p>
<p>I think Amherst, like other LACs of its kind, embraces it’s tradition of school athletics. That is not to say everyone there is an athlete, although since it’s so small and there are so many teams, you probably will find a higher percentage of athletes overall. But there are plenty of others, too, who are scientists, musicians, performers, political activists, artists, and every other kind of pusuit of passion. (And some of them will also be on sports teams.)</p>
<p>lol, there are a lot of overweight people here, believe me.</p>
<p>If you’re concerned that people will pick on you or ostracize you for your weight, then don’t worry at all. A vast majority of the people here are very amiable, including the athletes. You won’t feel uncomfortable at all: it’s a friendly community.</p>