AU Cornerstone Program?

The AU Common App asks whether you want to be considered for the AU Cornerstone Program. Does anyone have any idea whether this is a competitive, honors-like thing or is it just for those interested in internships right away? The website propaganda makes it sound interesting, but I cannot tell who this is really for.

My best guess is that it is for any incoming freshman interested in either a DC internship experience or in studying abroad during one’s first year in college. Looks interesting. Why not take advantage of AU’s wonderful location ?

May depend upon one’s reason for wanting to attend school in Wash DC.

Our daughter will be studying abroad with the Cornerstone program in the spring. It gives her an opportunity to study abroad right away. I have to admit that at first I was concerned that it might be “too soon” since “traditionally” college students study abroad during their junior year. But…When you think about it, studying abroad as a freshman may work out better bc a student in their first year is typically knocking out a core curriculum vs. anything too specific to their major(s).

The study abroad part of Cornerstone is smaller than the internship group and I’m sorry I don’t know much about it.

We are excited for our daughter to be able to take this opportunity. She’s an adventurous kiddo and I suspect this won’t be her first study abroad semester! (She has loved being in DC this fall too!)