AU vs Umdcp?

<p>Any advice on au vs umd college parkk??</p>

<p>I’m in the same boat!!!</p>

<p>Ahh realllyy? Well I’m a psych major but choosing for me is more about the campus life and people rather than academic rigor! Plus with the scholarship from au it’d be even cheaper than umcp ahhh idk! I think I need to definitely visit the au campus againn</p>

<p>CP - bar scene
AU - club scene
CP - huge . i mean it. imagine going to class in winter.
AU - mid-small size campus (much prettier - the trees and all)
CP - lots of people
AU - less but more diverse people
CP - “if you don’t have fun here its your fault. there’s something for everyone”
AU - DC. Beautiful City to explore
CP - dorms suck
AU - nicer dorms
CP - Terps :wink:
AU - uh… the American Eagles?</p>

<p>I would go to CP only because of the price of AU.
But DEFINITELY AU if its less expensive!!! wow. mazel tov on that scholarship</p>

<p>College park area has more crime than the area that AU is in. My son was at summer program and I was on the email list for campus crimes- i get the impression that CP is a magnet for purse snatching, etc.</p>

<p>AU is less beaurocratic because it is smaller. UMDCP has been affected by state budget cuts, not replacing staff when they resign, AU is taking their surpluss and investing in expanding programs and hiring staff.</p>

<p>AU - less sports oriented, more political. Heavy into government. Good internship program with government agencies. Special relationship with Congress.</p>

<p>AU male female ratio; 2 females for every one male</p>

<p>UMDCP has the biggest quad (or second biggest after UVa)</p>