Auburn or Alabama?

I’m transferring from a 4 year university to Auburn or Alabama. The university I was attending was too small. I’ve been accepted to UA and AU. My undergraduate major is international business. I want to get a degree in law. I’m from Auburn. I grew up here and it’s definitely home to me. Tons of my close friends from high school go to AU. I know the city like the back of my hand. I like that bc it’s comfortable. Auburn is definitely the safe decision. I also would like a new experience though. I like that Alabama has law school I can potentially network with, even as an undergrad. I’ve also been to UA and suspect there’s more diversity there than in Auburn. I like that. I also like the fact I’m in a new city with new ppl away from family, though I love Auburn and my friends who still live here. I’m assuming their aren’t any huge differences between their business schools. I feel that’s mostly just what you make it. Any clarify or help is greatly appreciated!

Alabama is known for its business school. The networking would be stronger at Bama.

So, if you went to Alabama, you would be doing the Global Business Concentration?

Before college my son had lived his entire life in the same state (Indiana). As far as he can remember he has always lived in the same area (although he has memories of 3 houses, they are all within 40 miles). When he began looking at colleges I told him, this is your time to go experience something different. You’ve always lived in a small town, do you want to try living in a city? You’ve always lived in the Midwest, do you want to try living on the east coast or in the south? You have 4 years to go try something different and see if you like it. If you don’t, when you graduate, you can always come back to the area you’re familiar with, but if you do, then it will help you decide where you want to look for jobs after you graduate.

I am a strong supporter of experiencing new and different things, I think that’s how we learn.

That was actually another question I had. Auburn specifically has an international business major. Alabama does not although I was sure they had some equivalent. So to answer your question, yes that would likely be my concentration. Does that concentration apply to all UA business majors?

I know it applies to some business majors. I don’t know if it applies to every business major. For instance, I don’t know if it applies to Accounting, since Accounting would be more USA related.

Which areas interest you?

Thank you for the feedback. I agree. Although the university I previously attended was not the school for me due to it’s small size, I became more independent and was able to grow into a more mature, focused individual. It could at times feel very boring, but I think that is just because of the school itself. I don’t imagine Bama will be anything like that. With that being said, I will say that many of the people I know who went from Auburn High School to Auburn University say it’s nothing like being in high school and very much a new experience. They generally say the university is so big, you’re going to have new experiences and meet new people; you have old friends around, but you only see them if you want too. However, there are some local people I know, although enjoying college, seem to still cling onto those homey safeguards that most college students don’t have (parents house, old friends, familiar settings, etc).

So, if you went to Alabama and did the Global specialization, which area of business would you pursue? It sounds like you want to go to law school?

I would pursue finance most likely. Are there any huge differences between Alabama and Auburn’s business schools? Everyone I speak with just says the school that they went to has the better business school so I’m beginning to think there are not any significant differences. I know Alabama’s seems to be ranked higher but in reality, does that mean anything?

I think that Alabama’s networking is better.

A degree in finance is very marketable!

Did you look over this page?

Which specialization?