<p>I have WAV files from original cassette recordings. I want to edit those WAV files and convert it into MP3. Thanks for any help or comfort any one can offer.</p>
<p>There is an open source program called Audacity that should be able to do it. I found these instructions but haven’t tested the process -</p>
<p>[evilzenscientist</a> :: thoughts Converting WAV to MP3 using Audacity](<a href=“http://www.evilzenscientist.com/blog/2007/02/02/converting-wav-to-mp3-using-audacity/]evilzenscientist”>http://www.evilzenscientist.com/blog/2007/02/02/converting-wav-to-mp3-using-audacity/)</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>If you have a MAC, you can literally just change the file extension from .wav to .mp3.</p>
<p>Interesting, I did not know that would work on a Mac. Does renaming the extension actually cause a change the contents of the file, or is it just that the player is smart enough to figure out the actual file type by its contents? If the former, I would highly recommend not doing it to your only copy of the wav file because information is lost when converting from wav to mp3. Also, how does the Mac know what bit rate to use when creating the mp3? Is there some way to specify that before renaming?</p>
<p>If the OP uses Audacity and the original files contain music, ignore the part of the instructions that say to set the bit rate to 64 (which is actually in kilobits per second, not bits per second as the article states). 128 is probably the minimum you will want for music and 192 would probably sound better if you don’t mind the larger file size.</p>
<p>I confess that I have done this with iTunes–although I guess technically it results in an AAC file. My hearing is degraded enough that the files sound fine to me.</p>
<p>It’s easy to do this. The best and higher quality way of doing this is by using [FlexiMusic</a> Wave Editor](<a href=“http://www.fleximusic.com/]FlexiMusic”>http://www.fleximusic.com/). Converting the .wav files to mp3 or wma formats , all these conversions can be done easily and quickly with this software.</p>