auditing chem?

<p>So I'm applying to nursing schools right now and every single school says that I will have to take all science classes at their school.
And yet they say that they would like to see me taking science classes.
I've taken:
Bio, Chem Honors, Physics Honors, Anatomy & Physiology
This year I was between taking AP Bio or AP Chem. I decided on AP Chem as I need more help in that area, (and no one even knew who the bio teacher was going to be last spring with all the lay-offs)
AP Chem at my school is HARD. I've had a lot of trouble in it (and my test scores reflect that...) It's basically a huge source of stress for me.</p>

<p>So what I would like to know would be if I choose to audit it, would colleges look at that and think I am slacking off?
I want to still take the class so that I can get better with my Chem skills before heading off to college....but I'm afraid this class will totally kill my GPA. (No I am not obsessed with grades...but chem is looking REALLY bad so far...)
I'm going to have a talk with my counselor tomorrow, but I just wanted some feedback on this.</p>

<p>My D struggled with chem too. I suggest auditing rather than having the bad grade hit your GPA.</p>

<p>It’s interesting that at one of the admitted nursing students’ days at Duquesne, they did a program in which they asked students to talk a little about themselves. One of the questions was to tell everyone about the high school class that the students hated the most. At least 4 students identified chemistry as their most-hated subject before they moved on to the next question. Favorite class? Almost everyone identified anatomy.</p>

<p>It’s the same for me! Anatomy was by far my favorite. It was also the class that confirmed for me that I definitely want to go into the medical field :)</p>