audition music online

<p>Does anyone know of any websites where you can download or just listen to songs from Broadway shows - to learn them? I know AccuRadio has a great Broadway station, but I mean somewhere where you can look up a show or song specifically and listen to the music.</p>

<p>I found a site for free sheet music, so I'm not worried about that.</p>

<p>My auditions are in February & March, but I have a prescreening audition video to do by January 5! Hah! So I'm TRYING to make that happen, and find some songs that fit me ASAP!</p>

<p>It'd just be nice to have a site where I could browse songs, instead of having to buy separate CDs or whatever. Any ideas?</p>

<p>You guys are the best- couldn't do this without y'all! <3</p>

<p>Because DD has to listen to a lot of music we subscribe to Rhapsody. She likes it because she can listen to the entire song. She can listen to the way different people have done it. And it is not cut off with only a part of the song. If you are going to be doing a lot of this, I don’t think the subscription was that much per year. Just looked and right now they are advertising free 2 weeks then $12.99 per month. There are a lot of genres there, too.</p>

<p>You can listen to a lot of music on YouTube, and 30 seconds of a piece on iTunes. Also, a music library of a local college or university would be a good resource for you.</p>

<p>Free sheet music? What is your source? PM if you like.</p>

<p>I thought the site I had found was free, but it’s not.
Sincerely sorry for the miscommunication!</p>

<p>Do you have good public libraries in your town? We are in San Diego and my D has probably gotten more than 100 CD’s out of the library. She then puts them on her IPOD. This is also how she is able to get so much of her sheet music. She spends time at our main library and copies music she finds there. She can also order items from any libraries in town and have them sent to our local library.</p>

<p>I have a pretty good library not too far from here, & I can search online & order from the 4 or 5 libraries in my area or whatever…so she’d get the CDs from the shows, right? Not like a mixed Broadway CD…that’s a really good idea- I just didn’t expect my library to have CDs from Broadway shows like that. But they usually do surprise me! I’ll look. Thanks for the suggestion. :)</p>

<p>My D gets the cast recordings for the Broadway shows. It’s great if you can search online and get them from the library. It’s saved us a ton of money! You may be surprised at what your library has. Since we are in a fairly large city my D has had luck in even finding some obscure recordings.</p>