Australia or England?

<p>Some people tell me Australia is a good place to study abroad. But I think England is also a good place to study abroad. Can anyone gives me some suggestions?</p>

<p>yeah i think it would be an awesome experience to study abroad in England! That’s definitely where i want to go when i choose to study abroad… my dad went to college there and he LOVED it… plenty of pubs everywhere lol. also, one of my friends went to oxford, england to study abroad and she had a really amazing time.</p>

<p>Thanks for your suggestion! It really helps me a lot.</p>

<p>I’m actually going abroad in the spring, and I also had a difficult time choosing between the UK (Edinburgh) and Australia. In the end, I chose Edinburgh mainly because I want the opportunity to travel to a bunch of great cities while i’m abroad. Europe is filled with a huge number of different cultures to experience, and i’ve heard its relatively easy to get around. Don’t get me wrong, Australia would be amazing, I just think you can get more out of a stay in Europe.</p>

Thanks for your help!</p>

<p>Go for UK :slight_smile: I’m applying there as well as US. It’s really great and much closer to your home.</p>

<p>I would go to the UK because it’s much closer to other larger cities such as Madrid, Paris. And England is a beautiful country.</p>