Autobiography essay question on UPenn app

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>For the U Penn specific app, there’s an essay about submitting pg 217 of our 300 pg biography. Is this biography of our life until now (so about 17-18 years so far) or of us when we’re older. Do you think it really even matters how we do it?</p>

<p>no i don't think it matters...well i kinda made a timeline of myself because i'm a dork but i guess it's basically during your previous years at high school, maybe it'll fall in the category of your 'middle school to high school' transition. </p>


<p>hmmm... well I got off to a really good start, but it was my first day of my senior year since that seemed like the most humorous part of my life so far and something I could easily write about. A lot has happened since then, though, but do you think it will seem too far ahead for page 217?</p>

<p>It doesn't can write about anything you want (past, present, or future)</p>

<p>the question is designed in a way so that you can be as creative as you like. Your p. 217 can be when you were 3 years old or 65 years old.</p>

<p>They couldn't possibly want an innovative answer. Obviously p217 corresponds to 18 years 35 days and 15 minutes. Duh.</p>

<p>I don't think any of those 799 posts by JCoveney is a serious one. Nearly every post I've read by him has been sarcastic, which I think is pretty tough to do! Good JOB!</p>

<p>Thanks. With a name like getcrunk123 you know that this must be a productive poster who has better things to do than to lube up in his mother's basement.</p>

<p>you obviously dont</p>

<p>Reading On Liberty. It's a good book, but I'm just an incorrigible procrastinator.</p>

<p>I know the word limit for that essay is "one page" what would happen if you change the margins (some books are like that)?</p>

<p>lol i did. idk watll happen tho</p>

<p>How many words was your autobiography essay?</p>

<p>950..... is that a whole lot?</p>

HOLY SMOKES! How did you even manage to fit 950 words on one page! Mine, as it stands now, is 666 words (still needs some revising though, but I think the word count will only go down from this point on). I thought it looked crowded even as it stands right now!</p>

<p>Did you change the font/size as well?</p>

<p>yea, 950 words one page is a LOT! But hey if it fit, it's all good.
I know I wouldn't want to read that 300-page autobiography!</p>

<p>They could be small words...</p>

<p>"the" and "a" are words...</p>

<p>i knowww - i was worried abt it being WAYY too long for a while. but then, every adult who read it said it was interesting enough to keep reading till the end. so i thought it wudn't be too horrible.
yea, its one pg & 12 font (not times, obv) and the margins are visible. my why penn essay is a LOT shorter tho so mebbe they balance out?</p>

<p>lol im worried all over again now.</p>

<p>It's a big accomplishment alone to fit 950 words onto a page, so congrats! :)</p>

<p>haha im not sure if i should thank you or not</p>