<p>Just heard on CNN that there will be two sequels to the movie Avatar in 2014 and 2015. I didn't much care for the movie, the visual effects were amazing but for me that's all it really had going for it. I thought that another sequel would be interesting though (don't know how they are going to finish 2 movies in 4 years when it took them 14 just to make one). Anyways, what do you guys think about an upcoming sequel. Will it suck? What should it be about? Should they stick with the same storyline?</p>
<p>The technology for Avatar took most of those 14 years. Now that they’ve done it once it will be a lot easier to do again.</p>
<p>The sequels will be bad movies, but stunning to look at.</p>
<p>Just so you know, that movie is an allusion to the hardships that the Native Americans had to go through. It’s actually a good movie if you think about how it portrays our history and how we shiuld have fixed it.</p>
<p>I for one can’t wait for a new movie, if there is one. I have the wii game for it as well. It’s great.</p>
That bit was about as subtle as a sledgehammer.</p>
<p>I didn’t really care much for the movie. The visuals were absolutely stunning, no question about that. But the storyline, as pointed out by BlackRose, has been done already, several times (Dances with Wolves, The Last Samurai, etc.) </p>
<p>Worth 3 hours of my life? Probably not. Doubt I’ll go watch the sequel, let alone 2 sequels.</p>
<p>So we’re looking at Pocahontas 2 & 3 right?</p>
<p>Oh good, I thought I was the only person who didn’t like Avatar.</p>
<p>Pocahontas had a better soundtrack.</p>
<p>I dun wanna see two more Dances Wit Smurfs. :(</p>
<p>Avatar was a visual masterpiece, but it was quite weak on the story. Like others have said, its nothing new.</p>
<p>I wasn’t surprised when the movie didn’t win too many Grammys.</p>
<p>Neither was I really. It just didn’t have very memorable songs.</p>
<p>I hope they improve the visuals a bit though, or at least play up the stuff that was most impressive in the original. Otherwise just watching the original would be good enough.</p>
<p>Sequels are never good, there are a few exceptions of course. But I think the visuals will get better, technology moves fast.</p>
<p>No one else is thinking the same thing as I am? I will be in my senior year of college when this movie comes out…</p>
<p>Avatar the movie will NEVER be as good as Avatar: The Last Airbender</p>
<p>^lol. That kind of …sucked.</p>
<p>Anyways… I really didn’t like Avatar and it was pretty offensive as a person coming from a military family.</p>
<p>It’s political messages weren’t subtle at all.</p>
<p>It was very pretty though. ^-^</p>
<p>I don’t think there were really any “current” political messages in Avatar. It was a pretty cliched story line.</p>
<p>If technology improves significantly by then, Avatar 2 and 3 could possibly surpass the current one.</p>
<p>I don’t think Shyamalan should make two more Avatar sequels. He really did the series an injustice with the first movie.</p>
<p>Avatar was a truly horrendous movie. The script was beyond painful, the plot beyond predictable, and the acting forced at best. And even the visual effects were overrated. At no point in time did I actually believe in the movie. You can’t just use bigger computers to make a scene believable - you have to have a story.
If anything, Avatar is an insulting continuation of centuries of paternalistic and condescending relations with indigenous peoples. The basic plotline reinforces the idea of cultural imperialism. The natives are completely incapable of victory on their own, and they need to just follow orders from the hero whose violent western paradigm is the correct and righteous approach. The only validation for the indigenous culture is when the western hero prays for aid and the animals of the forest join the fight. The logical continuation of this idea is that the indigenous religion is correct solely because it actually helps the true believers win a violent conflict fought with western strategy.</p>
<p>What happens when we apply this message to our history? The most logical conclusion is that the Native Americans were overwhelmed because they didn’t have a brave, sympathetic, and entirely western hero to lead them to victory. What an insult.</p>
<p>Dances with Wolves actually had a little respect for the culture it described.</p>