Average Units a Quarter for a Freshman

How many units a quarter does the average freshman take here?

hello! i am an incoming freshman at CalPoly and they put me in 16 units (4 classes) for the upcoming fall quarter

That’s typical. You can figure out how many you have to average to graduate in 4 years by taking your degree total and dividing by 12 (3 quarters x 4 years). Most degrees are 180, which averages out to 15 per quarter. Some engineering degrees are 200, give or take, which averages out to almost 17 per quarter.

Remember, that is the total before calculating in how many hours you’ll bring in from AP/IB and/or dual enrollment that will count towards your degree.

Cal-Poly has a flowchart for each to the majors that provides the total unit requirements and a representative course plan that shows the breakdown of units across all 12 quarters.
