Awards Stanford Likes to see

<p>out of the following awards, which 8 are the most important or the ones stanford likes to see?</p>

<p>National Merit Semifinalist (applying for finalist position)
Member of the National Honor Society (NHS)
California Scholarship Federation (CSF) Potential Sealbearer
The American Youth Foundation- Danforth I DARE YOU Leadership Award
AP Scholar with Distinction
Governor’s Scholars Award
Eligibility in the Local Context (ELC) recipient</p>

<p>Two-time recipient of the Fullerton Sunrise Rotary Club Top 100 Academic Achievement Award
Honor Guard- Top 6 of the Class of 2005
Golden State Examination: Algebra Honors, Geometry Honors, Biology High Honors, 2nd Year Spanish High Honors
Student of the Month:
Certificate of Merit (Departmental Awards):
Diploma of Merit (Language Departmental Awards)
Principal’s Honor Roll throughout high school career
Who's Who Among American High School Students nominee
National Honor Roll recipient</p>

<p>Scholar Athlete Award</p>

<p>well, i'm not sure which 8 they like, but I KNOW that Who's Who and National Honor Roll (this one is a scam) are useless. Also, NHS is not an award. I would put it in the ECs section.</p>

<p>I would definitely include AP Scholar and NMS semi-finalist though,</p>

<p>well for nhs we had to apply and be i thot it was an award. but we don't really do much for nhs....idunno. could i put it twice?</p>

<p>how do you know national honor roll and who's who are scams?</p>

<p>Paulhomework, why should he include the AP scholar award? Stanford has a place in Form 1 to report AP scores, and the AP Scholar with Distinction is "Granted to students who receive an average grade of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and grades of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams." So it's just telling Stanford the same thing twice, and using up one of the 8 spaces for awards.</p>

<p>I don't know what the "Scholar-Athlete award" is, but if it has to do with sports you participate in, you could include that in the "awards" column for the activities section. Just make sure it's clear what it's from, otherwise they can't tell if it's an award a teacher gave you in a class, or a national award.</p>

<p>The AP Scholar Awards contain additional information that cannot be determined just by looking at the test score histroy: they tell the admissions personnel how you ranked against all of the other test takers in the US. For example, if you were an AP Scholar with Distinction in 2003 (11th grade), then you were one of the the top 3800 kids in the AP program in your graudating class (out of about one million taking the tests). If the award was National AP Scholar at the end of 11th grade, then the award was a lot more rare than a 1600 on the SAT I. Also, performance on the AP exams (in terms of numbers of exams and high scores) correlates much more positively than any other single measure (including high school GPA and SAT scores) with success in college. So admissions personnel do care about these awards. But they are much more interested in what you've earned by the end of 11th grade than what you might earn at the end of 12th...</p>

<p>Of course, the awards are being changed this year, so the "scale" of rarity of the awards will be different for the class of '05. It remains to be seen how rare the awards will be now.</p>