Awesome Math Course Level Appropriate.

Hey, I’m a freshman in high school and I wanted to apply to awesomemath to bring up my amc 10 score. I know I should take a geometry class because I suck at geo. I dont know what other course I should take. On the Amc 10, I am consistently only getting only about 2 of the last 7 questions right, so I was wondering, which course would help the best.

Stats: Mathcouts 12th places at States
Amc 10 score about 108/112 in 8th grade.

Also, since I am a freshman, will i feel like one of the older kids in my level 1 classes when I go there. I am kind of good at math, but will probably suck compared to some of the kids at AMSP, but thankfully Im a lot better at physics, I want to go to AMSP to qualify for AIME and score decently on it. Thanks.

@PhysicsGod1337 have you looked here first?

Most questions on the AMC10/12 and AIME can fall into one or more of the following subjects: algebra, number theory, geometry, and probability/combinatorics. So if you haven’t been exposed to number theory, for example, perhaps look into taking that course at an introductory level.

I’m not too familiar with AMSP (though I know many students who have participated), although I am pretty familiar with the AMC and AIME competitions.

I know all of that, but I was wondering which topic would cover the hardest subjects on the AMC 10. For example, there is a lot of algebra on amc 10, but most of it is easy, save the last few questions. I wanted to know which questions are normally the hardest on the AMC 10, the number theory, combinatorics/probability, or algebra questions