B.A. Freshman Program

<p>so I just got this brochure from Mcgill about their freshman programs and was wondering if anyone could offer some insight on the different programs.</p>

<p>option 1 seems to be the most flexible. I’m a little confused about option 2 "arts legacy". It seems like there is hardly any room to take electives and you basically have your courses for the first year planned out for you? However, it seems like it would be a cool program, just inflexible. Also, does anyone know if you have to have a background in french to do option 3 "en francais"?</p>

<p>Also, are there any general ed/freshman requirements at Mcgill for all students or is it just based on your department and the freshman program you choose?</p>

<p>sorry this thread has gotten really long. any comments would be appreciated :)</p>

<p>Hey! I'm going into the BA freshman program too, and I've decided to go with the first option. From what I understand, the advantage of "Arts Legacy" is that you have a more personal learning environment and get to know your classmates really well because you all share the same classes throughout the year. I'm fairly sure you need to have a good grasp of French in order to take the "en francais" option, because the courses are taught in french.</p>

<p>thanks! do you know how to reply for the program you want?</p>

<p>Actually, I don't think you need to reply to anyone specifically. If you want the traditional option, select those courses during the approval and registration period. If you want Arts Legacy, select the core courses outlined in the brochure. I could be wrong, but I don't remember reading anything about having to reply :)</p>