B.A in Biology then PA school??

SO…I am a high school student who is also in the process of getting her Associates degree in Science at my local community college and planning to go on and study at a senior institution when i graduate high school at UNC-CH (I am in-state btw). I also want to go to PA school it has been a dream of mine ever since I have heard about it. In PA school there are certain Prerequisites you have to take like microbiology, biochem, etc. I was thinking about majoring in B.A. Biology instead of B.S. Biology since many PA students I saw speak about there experience say that taking Physics and Calculus was a waste since it wasn’t necessary to get accepted (but you have to take those course in B.S. Biology). I just feel like I will get by smoother if I major in B.A Biology for its more holistic approach to biology. Am i able to transfer my A.S. degree to the B.A. Biology degree? Is it a better approach to PA school. (Please let me know if i should clarify anything)

You’d have to see what PA school prerequisites are before making a huge change. Some schools will require different courses than others. Some don’t care what your under grad degree is in as long as you have the requirements fulfilled. They all require you to get direct patient care hours so I’d be looking into that as well.

Are there any direct admit PA programs you could apply to with your associates degree? I’m just wondering if that would be able option.