BS vs BA in Biology for PA school?

Hello everyone. Basically my problem is Orgo II…my professor who I LOVED for chem 1, 2, and orgo I just left and I’m left with two idiot professors who don’t know how to teach. I just dropped Orgo II with a W since the class average is a D and she doesn’t curve. However, I need Orgo II to get my BS in biology, but I really don’t think I can. BA in biology doesn’t need Orgo II, so how would that affect my chances of getting into PA school/hired in the future? My older brother, who has a BS Masters in chem engineering, says that it really does play a role because “BA is so much easier than a BS.” Any thoughts would be great! Thanks.

As long as you meet the PA school course pre-requisites, it will not matter if you get a BA or a BS.

In my opinion anyone studying biology should have both ochem I and II for a good foundation. However, you should consider three things: 1.) Do PA schools require ochem II? Each school may have its own requirements, so look up schools you’d consider applying to. 2.) Do the PA schools you’re applying to require the MCAT? I know most don’t, but if one you want to apply to do, it will be easier studying for the MCAT if you’ve have the entire ochem sequence. 3.) If you don’t end up going to PA school, what do you want to do? Many jobs in the bio field will expect you to have had two semesters of ochem, as well as many grad schools and/or med schools.

Like others have said if you meet the PA school pre-reqs it doesn’t matter. Otherwise it doesn’t really matter either, you’re never going to use 95% of what you learn in there anyway as a PA.