B+ grades lowering my overall GPA

I am in all AP classes at my school, which doesn’t have A-'s.

A = 4.0
B+ = 3.3

I am worried that I will have most or all B+'s at the end of the semester. B+ in an AP class isn’t bad at all, but the GPA is 3.3, which is terrible. How do college admissions officers look at this issue? Please help! I’m nervous

Each school is viewed in a differing context. Many do have that buffer of A-, which means a 3.6 at your school is probably more impressive than one elsewhere. However, ceteris paribus, an A is usually preferable to a B, and if the top 10% consists of kids getting only 4.0s, you may have some rexamining to do. Depending on your college aims of course.