B-School classes for a non-BBA

<p>I am a Financial Math/Econ major in LSA and I am looking to apply for some of the standard internships/jobs that B-School kids apply to (i.e. Consulting, IB, S&T, WM, etc.). I was wondering if anyone knowledgeable could recommend a few B-School classes I should take to best prepare me for interviews/internships/jobs in those fields. I was thinking Acc 271, 272, Fin 300, and maybe BIT 311 (Decision Support with Excel). I have room for about 4-6 classes of electives after I complete my majors and my distribution. I feel I should definitely take Acc 271, and Fin 300 seems good too. Should I also definitely take Acc 272? Any other particular Finance or BIT courses that would be good? Any courses in other departments at Ross? Thanks.</p>

<p>are lsa students allowed to take ross classes?</p>

<p>Yes, up to a certain number of credits or classes I believe.</p>

<p>ACC 271 is a pre-req for ACC 272 is a pre-req for FIN 300. Those classes are a good place to start. Most B-School classes have those first three classes as pre-reqs.</p>

<p>When it comes closer to internship time, you can choose electives based on what you want to do. BIT 311 is pretty popular with the IB kids, while OMS 311 seems more consulting-focused.</p>

<p>Yea, I’m figuring to take at least ACC 271 and 272, and FIN 300. BIT 311 looks like it would be really helpful. What is the prereq for OMS 311? Also, how would you gauge the difficulty level of Acc 271, 272, Fin 300, BIT 311, and OMS 311 (I will be coupling them with upper-level econ and math after all)?</p>