Back to CC or apply as a transfer?

Hey guys, I’m currently 9 months away from separation and my goal is to get CS BS from either UCLA or USC. Before joining the military neither university even crossed my mind as I nor my parents would’ve been able to afford it, but the GI Bill has eliminated that concern.
I attended community college before enlisting however I just wasn’t mature or responsible enough to handle college; I was 16 at the time. So I did that for 2 years, walked into the recruiter’s office as soon as I turned 18, and that was it. Is my military service, and a good SAT score (1490+) enough to cancel out my 2.89 GPA and get me into either? Or should I not even bother with retaking the SAT, attend CC again, and then finally transfer. Thanks for reading.

I also attended college before my enlistment and did poorly. I decided to attend a CC here in CA and NOT use my GI bill benefits, because I want to save 2 years for grad school. The difference in grades from before the Navy to now is the type of upward trend universities like to see. They won’t worry too much about your past grades if you’re doing really well now. (At least thats what every recruiter from every college I’ve visited has told me.) I’ve been attending a CC for a year, and I’m going to finish this spring.

I’m currently in the process of applying for USC in the Fall of 2020.

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