Back up degrees in health/sciences in case I dont get into a nursing program....

<p>Im taking my last few prerequisites for a couple of BSN programs I will be applying to in a few months. In case I dont get accepted into a nursing program I need a backup career/degree. The other thing that kind of bothers me about nursing is that everyone and their grandma wants to become a nurse, so I know the nursing field will be SATURATED with nurses if it isnt already. I was wondering what kind of health occupations require a four year degree? I know a lot of technical schools have two year degree programs, but I want to get a bachelors. What kind of job can you get with a degree in Public health or biology? I know I dont want to go to school for pharmacy or to be a vet. I also know I dont want to go to med school. Im in my mid 20s. Thanks.</p>


Everyone and their grandmother wants to be a nurse until they try to get into a BSN program. The nursing field is not saturated partly because there is a limited number of openings in BSN programs, the classes are not easy and many graduating nurses soon discover that they don’t want to do floor nursing for long. Good luck with your career aspirations.</p>

<p>Have you considered another type of health career such as OT? You would require a master’s but jobs are fairly plentiful, the pre-reqs are similar, the field seems to offer a decent variety of work settings, and you would get the direct patient contact that (I assume) is attractive to prospective nurses too!</p>