<p>Here are my final grades for this semester:
AP Govt- A
AP Calc BC- C
AP Physics- A
AP English Lit.- A</p>
<p>I've already been accepted to CAS through ED. Will my bad calc grade get my acceptance rescinded? It should be noted that my intended major is Physics (if that makes a difference). Also, I'm thinking about switching to AP Calc AB for my second semester to tighten up my calc skills before I learn BC topics. Is this a good idea? If I email the admissions office and explain this to them, will they allow me to switch classes?</p>
<p>Don’t sweat it. I remember being in your shoes, worrying about my grades slipping and rescission. I’d say avoid D’s and F’s and don’t let ALL of your grades fall and you’re fine. One C is far from hurting you.
That’s the honest truth and don’t let ■■■■■■ tell you otherwise.</p>
<p>It won’t get you rescinded. Not unless you do something that makes it look like a terrible mistake on your part - like emailing the admissions office in the middle of their reading period about your insecurities regarding that C. If I were you, I’d be more concerned about what I’d need to do to get a better grasp of calculus, especially if you’re going to be a physics major.</p>
<p>I’m in ALMOST the exact same situation as you. I was accepted to CAS ED. I just got a 70 on my last Calc BC test and my average looks to be a solid C this marking period :/. I thought I would have a good chance of being rescinded, but like Metalpots and srrinath stated, one C won’t get you rescinded. Trust me, it’s gonna be a long shot. </p>
<p>And hey, you’re majoring in Physics and you got an A in AP Physics. I’m sure they’ll look at that as a plus. Just focus on not getting D’s and F’s and you’ll be fine. Your other grades look phenomenal. I’m doing considerably worse than you.</p>
<p>Honors Physics - B+/A-? Not sure yet.
AP Calculus BC - C
AP Psychology - A
AP English Literature - B+/A-?
AP Biology - Probably a B+</p>
<p>Yeah, my grades have slipped a long way since Junior year haha. Don’t worry about it man, we’ll both be there on campus next Fall.</p>
<p>Thanks guys. I was definitely worried about my calc grade, since I’ve never gotten a C before. @Yunsang: Yeah bro, AP Calc has been tough this past semester. And your grades aren’t bad either! Thanks for the reassurance. @srrinath: I was actually going to email the admissions office to tell them that I’m going to switch to AP Calc AB next semester, seeing that I put that I would be continuing the BC course this next semester on my application. Is this a good idea? Or should I just switch classes without contacting them first?</p>
<p>Don’t sweat it. The admissions office has more on their plate to worry about than the C you received and that you’re switching classes. If all your grades were bad, I might be concerned, or if you decide to totally blow off your second semester. Relax.</p>
<p>@duplaisir73: As I implied in #3, emailing the admissions office is not a good idea. This is particularly true at a time when they will be making deliberations of greater importance than the rescinding a student whose academic caliber they have already concluded to be suitable to Cornell’s expectations. There is nothing about your C that casts doubt upon that, especially in light of your otherwise strong grades this term. What is more likely to cast such doubt is the subtext of an email you might consider sending, which from the sound of things will read like a narrow-minded apology for taking a harder class and not being able to retain a perfect GPA as a result.</p>
<p>Woah man calm down. I wasn’t going to “apologize” for a bad grade. I just thought it would be a good idea to simply tell them I’m taking a different class from the one I put down on my application. But apparently it was a bad idea. Sorry for the initial misunderstanding.</p>
<p>Hey Im going to CALS next year for cornell too.
And I have a question. When regarding rescinding, do they look at your final semester grades, or your quarter grades (six weeks grades)?
Because my final semester grades are good, mostly as, some bs in difficult classes.
But I have 2 Cs on two different quarter grades? Will they possibly rescind based off of quarter grades?
Oh and for my upcoming quarter I might even get a D in calc if I dont do well enough on this next test!
But, my final semester grades always look good.
Should I be really worried?
I’m taking 6 AP classes by the way, and I have as and some high bs in almost all of them.</p>
<p>oh and another question.
when I meant D, I meant 70-75 because thats how my school does it.
Does Cornell see 70-75s as Cs? If so that would be awesome.</p>