Bad AP Teacher? How do I get a good grade on the AP Exam!?

Hi CC, today was my first day of school. I’m taking AP World History and I heard the teachers really bad from a lot of juniors in my school. I was wondering what you guys would do if you had a bad teacher and how I can get a good grade on their exams,quizzes, projects, AND ESPECIALLY THE AP EXAM! Thanks. A lot of people from last year failed the class because of his teaching, and also because his tests are extremely hard. So anyone good test studying strategies? Any good strategies for the AP World History Exam? Thanks!

Read the textbook, use the internet to your advantage. I had an AP history teacher that literally
just gave us busy work and didn’t teach in class and I would almost always get C’s on her tests. I even gave up reading the textbook and sought out videos (on youtube) that would summarize the textbook chapters. I passed with a 4. In short, AP exams are mostly based off on self study, so don’t worry about if the teacher is “bad”.

This website will really help you

@HereToHelpYou That’s for AP US History.

It is

Use your review books well throughout the year, and learn on your own (for example, make sure that you get through the content by reading the textbook or review book yourself if your teacher misses some topics).

Read review books and online resources. Review books are especially helpful for figuring out what topics you need to study for the AP exam. Read your textbook, it’s there for a reason. For studying you could try taking a look at John Green’s world history crash course videos on youtube; when I took WHAP a few years ago I thought they were really helpful for summarizing the stuff I’d read and learned in class.

If you need help for the WHAP essays, review books will always have tips as to how to write them. You can also go onto the CB website and read past student responses and model your essay structures after those; learn from those examples and read the scoring breakdowns to figure out what those students did right!

Finally, ask questions. Don’t understand something? Ask the teacher and force him to explain it in a way you can understand.

AP review books can be quite helpful, and a lot of secondhand book stores will resell them extremely cheap. I’ve gotten several AP prep books for as low as a dollar each.

My teacher last year was horrible… He’d give us a test everyday reading like 20pgs and all we did for the whole hour was take the test and after the test he would tell us which pgs to read and dismiss us… and I always got Ds even though I was a straight A student before that, and I studied super hard…
So what I’d suggest is to get find an online course and review books. Also its always good to have a study group of about 3 to 4 people at max to help eachother. If the others are better than you, you can ask them to help… If you are better than them, by teaching and helping them you can get a whole lot better and memorize your material; study shows that when you teach or explain a concept to someone, 90% of the information is stored in your head, while just reading stores 10

My teacher is actually REALLY good. It’s been a month and a half now and he teaches super well. However, I’m struggling on his class with a 79 since he grades EXTREMELY hard. NO ONE has an A (90) in his class right now… Out of 150 people!