Bad grade last semester...

<p>I've already planned a date to meet with my adviser to discuss this issue, but I just wanted some opinions. </p>

<p>Last semester, I received 2 A's, 1 AB, and 1 B. The killer is that I got a D in my math class. The professor ended up not curving the class at all, and a lot of students didn't do so well. Math is my worst subject, as I've always struggled with it.</p>

<p>I'm a freshman planning on majoring in Psychology. Will this bad grade reflect poorly on my transcript and stop me from being admitted to grad schools or getting scholarships, etc? I already tried to talk to my professor about the grade, however, he's very strict and didn't offer any help.</p>

<p>The math class isn't a requirement for the major, but it is required for my gen ed for a BS</p>

<p>What is your advice?</p>

<p>Thank you</p>

<p>Grad school programs care about your gpa in their field or relative to it, not all courses you take. Kudos to the professor for not grading on a curve but instead giving grades according to material learned. You obviously will not change your major to one requiring math courses. Be sure you can handle the necessary statistics courses needed for psychology. In other words, learn the material you didn’t in this course so you can master what you need later.</p>

<p>Your gpa will influence undergrad scholarship chances. It is also your very first college semester so you have plenty of time to improve your gpa before applying to grad schools. Lesson learned, move forward and don’t worry.</p>