<p>If you have about five F's on your transcripts but have taken all the courses over and got A's, is it still possible to get accepted to a good univeristy??</p>
<p>Is there a reason behind those Fs?</p>
<p>It was my first year of college and I just didn't do to well.</p>
<p>yes, it is possible</p>
<p>Define good university and show us your entire transcript. Assuming your cumulative GPA is solid, individual grades are less relevant. That being said, it is inconceivable to me that any amount of As could mitigate five Fs.</p>
<p>Depends on what college you want to go to. For instance, if the school that you wish to attend to is at the Ivy League level or close to it, then it's very unlikely that they'll admit you. I should know because all of the good schools that has the academic program that I'm looking for rejected me because I had a "D" in my Introduction to Logic class. And this was dispite the fact, I have 12-A, 6-B, and 1-D that gives me a 3.5GPA. So even if I were to enroll in 4 classes and obtain straight "A's", it only brings it up to a 3.6GPA. Thus the "D" will keep it from ever reaching to a 3.7GPA.</p>
<p>You really should have taken the Ws if it was still possible.</p>
<p>Gets loads of As and you might get a good school for junior transfer. Also, I don't lie in my apps, but, if you're willing to bend your morals, coming up with a fake reason for the Fs would help.</p>
<p>Why didn't you take W's?</p>