Bad High School Freshman GPA?

I was the worst kid in 9th grade. By semester I failed two classes and was ranked 450/460. I knew from the start I had to start trying but I was just too lazy to do it. 2nd semester all A’s and 1 B. Now i’ma sophomore. I’m just so angry. If I had the grades I had right now as a freshman, I never would’ve been so screwed.

My freshman GPA is a 2.4. I want to attend a UC school because they don’t use freshman year in gpa re calculation. But they also check rank and If i get a 4.0 gpa the rest of sophomore year and junior year, i’ll still be like only top 50%. What do I do? Can my bad freshman gpa be compensated for a stellar sophmore and junior year? I’m in all AP/Honors courses and really want to go to a school like UCLA.

At this point you do the best that you can and you pull your GPA up.

Pretty nearly any university anywhere will consider Sophomore and Junior years to be more important than Freshman year. Universities know that young kids are, well, young kids. Many very smart students take a while to pull it together and start to do well.

By the way, Canadian schools also don’t look at 9th grade. However, you should have a good chance at a very wide range of schools if you do well from now on.