<p>I don't have a good feeling about my college applications. From my bad SAT I & ACT reading scores to my 3.83 uw GPA (that's going down the drain due to 1st semester in senior year) to my dedicated but time consuming ECs, I feel like there's a bunch of holes in my application. I don't feel that my poor reading skills will hinder my development as an engineer, but top colleges want well-roundedness (which I do somewhat have considering my athleticism)</p>
<p>Anyways. Have you ever thought that you didn't have a very good chance at something but still succeeded? (specifically college apps and/or other selective programs?)</p>
<p>Maybe it's just me. Maybe this dismal forum has just killed my self esteem lol. But please, if you got anything that ranges from "I got in, I knew I could do it" to "Holy S*** it's a miracle" please feel free to share it</p>
<p>Seriously, just the action of you being here on CC means that you’re a thoughtful applicant, who took this whole process seriously. AND, you are getting a VERY skewed version of the senior population here on CC.
If you thought out your college list with care and intelligence, you really shouldn’t be worried. you don’t sound arrogant, which is plus because it won’t make you think you can apply to ALL and JUST the Ivies. (I know a person who’s doing that, good luck to her)
Personal stories? I have way too many to share that involves thinking there’s NO WAY for me to get in, and I got in. Other people believed I could, I didn’t. But then again, there are other stories that I thought, Hey I have a decent shot, and BOOM. DENIED. But I picked myself back up, analyzed what I did wrong, made smarter and more informed choices later, and here I am.
So I can’t say you got nothing to worry about, considering I don’t know your specific circumstances, but be positive. </p>