Bad SAT II score? HELP!

<p>I took the world history SAT today and I think I did really bad. I studied a lot ,pretty much memorized the entire prep book and still thought the test was hard :(.</p>

<p>I don’t think I’ll get higher than a 550, people tell me that the curve is really high and that I probably didnt do that bad but I’m still freaking out.
I took the spanish SAT in june and got an 800. </p>

<p>I have a 4.1 W GPA and a 3.8 UW, MY UC GPA should be a ~3.9- 4.0 , 25 on the ACT ( will retake next week) and have done a lot volunteering & extracurricular activities. I also think that my personal statament was really good. ( i’m not an OOS )</p>

<p>Do you think that I could stilll get into one of the UC’s I applied to?
UCD ( really want to go there!)

<p>Of those schools I think right now, you can get into UCSC for sure. Your ACT is too low for the other schools at the moment, but you are retaking it. I think with the better ACT, you can get into all except Berkeley. Good luck!</p>

<p>Don’t worry! A bad subject test score can be offset by good grades in that particular subject and that 800 will definitely shine over the 550 so don’t stress too much!</p>

<p>I’m looking at a low 500’s to 600 Math IIC and a 600-700 Chemistry</p>

<p>Feels bad man</p>

<p>If I were to grade how much I studied, I would put an honest 6.5 on it. Not 3 months prep, but around an hour and sometimes two a day for a month before hand. Finished Princeton Review for both books, didn’t think it helped me too much.</p>

<p>Doesn’t help that I took chemistry and pre calculus in my junior year (I graduated HS already)</p>

<p>26 ACT and also retaking it, 3.8 UW gpa around 3.9-4 UC gpa</p>