Bad things about the university

<p>^^^Thank you for reminding me about that avenue. Pasadenagate wasn’t a bright spot for the SGA, but that’s life. While Greek-GDI relations could always be improved, it’s a pretty good relationship in terms of the way things could be.</p>

<p>Virginia Tech’s food is AWESOME! My oldest went there and I couldn’t believe it. It is voted best campus food in the country on a regular basis.</p>

<p>fennotype is 100% correct. Current students with issues or suggestions should make them known to the SGA. It’s their job to represent the concerns of the student body to the administration. </p>

<p>The shuttle to walmart/target is a great idea. I know my son won’t have a car on campus (at least not his first year) and it would be nice if he had a way to get out to those stores to pick up a few things every once in a while without having to rely on roommates or friends.</p>

<p>IMHO there are too many crimson ride buses as it is. Surely one or two of them can be used to run a route from the Ferguson Center to walmart/target on an hourly basis.</p>

<p>NJBama, I don’t know if a Crimson Ride on an hourly basis to Walmart/Target is needed, but the school could offer rides to those two stores as well as the mall twice a day or a few times on the weekends. That would ease the burden that, in particular, OOS students without cars face.</p>

<p>BTW, I know that there are two current SGA members who read this site regularly, so I am certain that they will make note of these and other transportation concerns.</p>

<p>VTs food is great but their housing isn’t nearly as nice… both on S2s list so he’s looking at everything!</p>

<p>I am disturbed to read about the Greek/SGA issues. We have no history with 'Bama so it’s not that we’ve had our head under a rock, we’re oos.</p>

<p>Old thread, but was wondering if the food at Lakeside has gotten any better since 2010.</p>

<p>I don’t know anything about fraternities since my college didn’t have them. </p>

<p>I was walking by Mallet at BB and ran into a student that I met on a previous visit. Somehow the subject of frats came up. She said a car full of frat guys dumped a drunk freshman girl with vomit on her dress on the curb. She and some other Mallet girls cleaned her up and took care of her. I think she said the name of the frat, but I don’t recall what it was. Certainly not a situation unique to UA I’m sure, but that’s pretty disgusting behavior.</p>

<p>I don’t know if the food at Lakeside has gotten better or not. I never understood why Lakeside’s food can’t be as good as the food at Fresh Foods or Burke (my kids’ always preferred to eat at Burke dining hall (or Bryant dining hall, but Bryant is run by a different company). </p>

<p>Burke, Lakeside, and Freshfood are all run by the same company so the food should be more uniform in taste quality, but it’s not. Lakeside’s food (some, not all) is not as tasty as it is at the other two places. </p>

<p>frankly, I think a Wall of Complaints and demands for review and improvments needs to be made to the “higher ups” (above Lakeside).</p>

<p>My son loves Lakeside food - it’s definitely a step up from what he gets from home (I’m not proud of this, by the way.) It’s been quite an adjustment coming home this summer to a kitchen instead of a dining hall.</p>

<p>Too funny, RTRMom2! (I promise not to judge…) My S also doesn’t mind Lakeside. He does eat at the other halls frequently, based on where he is on campus. Also, his 8 am classes require him to go to Ferg that early, so he really only goes to Lakeside I believe for dinners. He has lunch at Bryant frequently. I have not been disappointed by the food when I’ve eaten anywhere on campus. Nothing to write home about (like at some other colleges), but it’s more than adequate.</p>

<p>Most of the time, the food is only good at late night lakeside.</p>

<p>My son basically lives on Late-Night Lakeside fare. He’s a night-owl anyway. (Well, he’s also an early bird. Basically, he doesn’t sleep.)</p>

<p>He didn’t have a meal plan last semester, and he got a lot of meals on the Strip. Plus a lot at Late-Night Lakeside ($5 per meal if you don’t have a meal plan). It did not end up costing any more than a basic meal plan would have.</p>

<p>Next semester he may get the most basic meal plan, just so he can go to Fresh Foods more often.</p>

<p>Then there’s always Publix…</p>

<p>(sorry for going too far off-topic…I know I am supposed to be saying Bad Stuff, LOL.)</p>

<p>I need to educate myself on the freshman food plan an options. I don’t have a good handle on it.</p>

<p>Freshmen must purchase an all access plan (unless they go Greek). </p>

<p>[Bama</a> Dining - Meal Plans](<a href=“]Bama”></p>

<p>I like to think that prepared food exists on a sliding quantity-quality scale. Of the four dining halls, Lakeside prepares the largest quantity of food.</p>

<p>parking problems and parking tickets are a reality at every college.</p>



<p>Rip, it’s pretty easy if your kid doesn’t go Greek. Freshmen have no choice - you have to take the all access plan. It’s an unlimited plan. Your son can go to any of the dining halls (Lakeside, Fresh Foods in the Ferg, Burke and Bryant) as often as he wants. Note that Bryant has an upcharge for dinner, though. He can get a full meal, or he can get a soda and a cookie to go. Their catch phrase last year was “Our kitchen is your kitchen.” My D told me that she never ate breakfast, but she sometimes had an early lunch and a late lunch. Because she could swipe as many times as she wanted, she opted for two small meals instead of one large one. In addition to the mealplan, you have to buy Dining Dollars both semesters. Those can be used at any of the retail food places on campus as well as at a few off-campus spots. If they’re not used, you can have them refunded at the end of the year. My D barely touched her Dining Dollars.</p>

<p>Oh, and for what it’s worth, my D likes the food at Lakeside. It’s a harsh indictment of my cooking, but she misses the dining hall food now that she’s home for the summer.</p>

<p>The main problem with the University of Alabama is that it attracts to worst, most arrogant, ignorant, insufferable football fans on the planet. I’ll even give you a pass if you have a degree from the school, but most of the idiots I encounter on a daily basis when visiting the State of Alabama have never darkened the door of the stadium, much less the university.</p>

<p>Bear Bryant is dead, y’all.</p>

<p>Ah, that is pretty simple. Thanks! How much is the upcharge for dinner at Bryant and can he use his dining dollars to cover it?</p>

<p>“The main problem with the University of Alabama is that it attracts to worst, most arrogant, ignorant, insufferable football fans on the planet.”</p>

<p>i think this can be said about lots of schools … including your favorite.</p>

<p>Mike, LSU fans are a happy, carefree, generous people who like to eat and drink.</p>



<p>True that. Right now they’re gorging on sour grapes. Yummy. ;)</p>