Bakery Rec for Birthday Cake?

<p>Hi all,</p>

<p>Son's birthday is this week - in the middle of studying for exams. Would love to send him a birthday cake. I found a couple of places online, but would welcome any personal recommendations. </p>


<p>I strongly recommend La Brioche Bakery on University Avenue for a wonderful cake, but do not know if it has a delivery service.</p>

<p>Thanks! I will call and ask. :slight_smile:
Other suggestions still welcome.</p>

<p>When son was in dorms Res Halls had cakes available. When i tried asking apt management and locals I had no luck. Sent frozen local bakery cakes via UPS- but it was one day from home to campus.</p>

<p>Use Yelp-Madison, WI. Read the reviews.</p>

<p>Thanks, everyone. I called La Brioche as well as another bakery. Neither deliver, BUT I made an arrangement for cake (and some sandwiches) from La Brioche to be picked up by taxi and delivered to son. I’ll let you know how it works. :-)</p>

<p>travelfun…this is AWESOME!! Please let us know how this turns out!</p>

<p>Follow-up per sun_shine’s request…it worked great! All went according to plan.</p>