Bama a "Preppy" school?

<p>I just saw on another thread a link to the preppiest universities. In the top 7 was Bama. Gotta say I was surprised by this. I know it’s a large school and the likelihood that everyone there is preppy is relatively slim, but I’m wondering about the perceptions of others here. (Although my perceptions of Southern schools are outdated, I would have figured Ole Miss would have made it to that list before Bama).</p>

<p>My son would NOT fit in at a preppy somewhat homogenous looks-centered school (one of the reasons we crossed Bucknell off the list and Loyola Maryland and Lafayette are further down).</p>

<p>He’s good looking enough (has even done a bit of modeling), but one of the reasons he’s attracted to Bama is the thought that his large old pick up truck, love of country music and mixed martial arts will fit in there. On the other hand, he is also quite the comic book/superhero nerd.</p>

<p>So… I know we’l get a glimpse first hand when we visit, but how great is the preppy contingent from ya’lls perspective?</p>

<p>When I think of preppy colleges I think of Sewanee, Washington & Lee, Vanderbilt and other schools like them. Other than the houndstooth that you see a lot of during football season, I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a preppy feel from Bama. Of course there are some preppy kids, but there are all types. I would think your son will be fine.</p>

<p>A large school like Bama is going to include a wide mix of looks…the preppies, the hippies, the wild-looks (purple hair/piercings), the “just got out of bed look”, and the “this is comfortable look”. When we were in T-town last week and our student waitress had bleached blond hair with loud colored pink stripes in it, I doubt anyone batted an eye because that’s not too uncommon in a college town.</p>

<p>My kids are not preppie at all. They wear/wore jeans and Tshirts or shorts and Tshirts everyday…with flip-flops in summer and warm lined shoes in winter.</p>

<p>Those who pledge tend to go more for the preppie look…the rest go with whatever style they prefer…usually comfort. And, even the Greeks don’t all go preppie…I don’t consider Nike Tempo shorts, Tshirts, and Ugg boots as preppie. lol</p>

<p>You do see a lot of UA spirit wear or “free T shirts” at Bama. There are a lot of events/businesses that giveaway free T shirts, and kids do wear them (easier than doing laundry).</p>

<p>OK. That’s sort of what I expected, hence my surprise seeing it on the list. :o)</p>

<p>Well it’s going to make the list simply because there are kids on campus wearing preppy clothes so it’s ok…as opposed to a school like Reed where wearing preppy clothes would be odd.</p>

<p>As for the definition of preppy clothes…it’s all over the place…and even kids who don’t dress preppy, may find themselves wearing things that fall into the preppy category.</p>

<p>For instance…when S2 wears khaki shorts and a polo shirt and flip flops, then some might say his outfit falls into “preppie” category…even if that’s not his intent…he’s just dressing for comfort of warm weather.</p>

<p>Believe me, there’s no way that any school with 20k+ students from all over would have any ONE dominant look.</p>

<p>That said…while some kids do have the “just fell out of bed” look, many kids come to class pretty cleaned up…clean clothes, hair combed, etc.</p>

<p>If preppy happens to be your thing, here is an interesting website:</p>

<p>[Preppy</a> Princess Shopping Cart - University of Alabama](<a href=“]Preppy”></p>

<p>I agree with M2CK, I would call it a “clean” look. Students look neat and clean most of the time. The students dress up “on occasion” for different events. While I think that most of the time students can get by with jeans and t-shirts, your student will need some business casual clothes for special occasions, dinners, interviews etc. Those students who are taking music performance classes will need appropriate attire.</p>

<p>wdavo - I believe that site helped propel UA into the top 7.<br>
How precious. Bless their little preppy princess hearts.</p>

<p>^^ that and brooks brothers… once you make brooks brothers apparel…preppie will follow :)</p>

<p>Momom, wait till you see the kids at Mallet Assembly, lol.</p>

<p>Seriously–there is something for everyone at Bama. My son’s about as non-preppy as they come, with very eclectic musical tastes and a preference for nerdy-hippie girls (he thinks glasses are cute). He LOOOOOVES Bama. looooooooooves it. I am not making this up!!</p>

<p>Well so long as there are nerdy hippy type girls with glasses, my boy will be ready to sign on. Definitely his type, too! LOL! </p>

<p>Can’t wait to visit!!</p>

<p>Oh my… Forgot about our quirky Mallett kids…and the Blount kids can be very granola. :)</p>

<p>Ok so after all the discussion I had to go read the Huffington Post article. According to "their " definition of “preppy” I am pretty sure Bama’s Brooks Brothers line probably helped us get the nod. I think that perception is in the eye of the beholder and where they look. With the size of Bama’s student body there most certainly IS diversity in the way people dress. There are so many ways to get involved and meet people who like the same things that you do that I am sure no student should have trouble finding a circle of friends…they simply have to do the leg work. Gotta tell you the “Preppy Princess” line is darling…Vera Bradley wanna be, but very cute…scores right up there with Swoozies (I love that place!).</p>

<p>Momom2: My son says that one’s taste in clothing can change. He went to college in jeans, cargo shorts and t-shirts … and not a big fan of country music. Now in his third year, he prefers his slacks, flat-front shorts and polos. He does a lot of presentations or has a number of meetings that require him to be business casual. (He also likes country music but is not much into driving. We don’t own a pickup.)</p>

<p>As everyone has already stated – we’ve noticed a wide variety of different dress and life styles at Bama (eldest daughter attending this Fall, niece is a senior in Sports Broadcast Journalism). </p>

<p>One thing that has struck me from observing friends of our niece, is the same kids might dress one way this weekend and a different way next weekend.</p>

<p>Also, we’ve noticed that the group (at least the ones we’ve noticed, although sure to be exceptions) aren’t confined to either preppie, grunge, comfortable, etc., they will be different, but still intermingle in a friendly way.</p>

<p>While we are a lifelong Bama family, the close association the past couple of years as our 3 daughters get ready to attend (and niece already there) has only strengthed our choice to attend Bama (by the way they are the Nike shorts and tee-shirts m2ck alluded to, :). (dance/cheer)</p>

<p>Niece brought someone to meet us Friday (in Montgomery area) that is OOS (Indiana) and I would put in the preppie, dockers/button down/sperries, (yes sir/no ma’am) – but she has also brought the, just got out of bed guy (also with good manners)… lol</p>

<p>By the way – we love Bama, in case you can’t tell —</p>


<p>When we first visited The University we had the idea that since it was in the “south” it would be very “country music”. DD was surprised to learn that it wasn’t entirely the case. Fraternity band parties included LOTS of Rap and the band “Pretty Lights” was very popular. she learned that just because she goes to school in the south the music scene is not necessarily country. But…he boyfriend who is from Alabama does drive a huge Ford F150!</p>

<p>Speaking of Nike shorts:</p>

<p>[Enjoy</a> browsing: Shorts - ChampionUSA, Compression Shorts, Spandex Shorts, Women’s Athletic Shorts, Women’s Lacrosse Shorts, Women’s Fitted Shorts](<a href=“]Enjoy”></p>

<p>Hah!! </p>

<p>And right now they’re 30% OFF!! (Discount will be reflected at checkout.)</p>

<p>Here’s the product page:</p>

<p>[Product</a> Information: Champion Double Dry RELAXED 4’’ Women’s Sport Shorts - ChampionUSA,](<a href=“]Product”></p>

<p>Not that I’m peddling 'em or anything. :D</p>