<p>hi im becoming senior next fall(fianlly...) and my decision on schedule was all set...but i realized that things might get complicated...</p>
<p>ok...my school is not very strong academically...only 1~2 people go to top school so we dont have lots of high level classes...</p>
<p>so here is the problem...if this year's schedule continues next year...im not going to be able to take both calc and band...becoming only senior in my saction,i might have chance to a saction leader and ive been in band for last 2 years(i came to the states in my soph year), but i really want to finish calc in high school...</p>
<p>do what you love! plus, band leader looks better than calc student. At least you got to pre calc. If you're really pressed about what colleges will think, take it at a comm. college like gstein said or self-study. everlane, what average adult uses calculus? NO ONE!!!!</p>
<p>My friend this year chose band over calc, but I chose AP classes over band (block scheduling at my school makes band 1/4 of schedule). I was already section leader for two years though, and had a bunch of awards so it was kind of "been there done that" for me.</p>
<p>I say stick with band -- overall it's a much better experience I think, plus the fact that you have the opportunity to take calculus in a lot of other places.</p>
<p>Do what you want to do, irregardless of college admissions. Be accepted for who you are, not who you think they want. If you're amazingly passionate about Calculus, then go for Calculus. But if you see Calculus as just another class, and adore Band, stay with Band.</p>
<p>Yea, I would stay with band if that is what you like. I chose calculus not only because I was good at math and liked it, but I also HATED every waking minute of my existence in our band program. I'm so glad I got out of there lol.</p>