<p>Hey everyone, long time lurker on cc, first time poster. </p>
<p>Anyways, I am currently a sophomore. Class sign-ups for next year is going to start pretty soon, and I have the hardest decision to make: do I take AP Calculus AB, or continue to take band?</p>
<p>Because of the way my school operates, band and AP Calculus AB is both first block, and while it's possible for me to take both, I have decided most definitely on taking Apush next year first block, which only leaves band or calculus left.</p>
<p>I know that colleges like to see that you are challenging yourself by taking hard classes, but I also know that colleges love to see extra-curricular activities, and I really like band. However, the seniors are going to leave after this year and band probably won't be the same anymore and I just don't if it's going to be worth it.</p>
<p>Also, I really dig math. And really, while it's nice that I would be getting an extra grade point for that class, I also want to take it just because I like to challenge myself. I'm good at playing the flute, but math is definitely my best subject. I know that if I work hard at it, I could get a good grade in that class. My father used to teach math at a college in China, so I know that if I ever got stuck, I could turn to him for help.</p>
<p>However, if I'm also plan on taking a bunch of other AP/honors classes next year- English honors, AP Bio, Physics Honors (they don't offer AP physics anymore, which is a damn shame), AP Stats, in addition to my two electives Spanish III and Advanced Art. And I'll still be in band for 0 block, which is before school, but I know that the class before school isn't the same (less intimate, less discipline, less bonding). And the thing is, I already feel as if I spend way too much time in band; I honestly have no time during the week day for anything except piano, flute, and homework.</p>
<p>But it feels like a damn shame to quit band, especially when I've improved so much from freshman year (I went from dead last chair to second chair) and after the seniors leave, I know the director is going to be counting on me to step it up and take on the responsibility of being a section leader. If I leave, then no one is going to be left in the flute section other than the incoming freshmen and this year's freshman flute, who is quite good for a newbie but it is completely unthinkable to thrust upon him all the hard first chair parts in his sophomore year.</p>
<p>So, I'm asking you, from a college's point of view, from your own point of view, which is most beneficial: band or AP Calculus AB?</p>