<p>I’m applying to study history and philosophy (with some Latin thrown in on the side) in Budapest in the Fall of 2008 through Bard’s exchange program. Has anyone ever participated in this? Any information about classes, professors, the city itself, etc. would be greatly appreciated.</p>
<p>You asked about city? So, Budapest is very beautiful town, with very convenient transportation. You have to pay as a student only around 3000 Ft. (15 EUR) per month for all kind of transports. Food is very tasty and cheap. If you need accommodation in city centre - prices are also very low starting from 200 EUR per person per month (if you stay alone in apartment) and maybe like 120-140 EUR per month is you stay together with room mate. Some useful information about accommodation is here: [High</a> Quality Apartments in the center of Budapest](<a href=“http://www.ArcadiaApartment.com%5DHigh”>http://www.ArcadiaApartment.com) Budapest is very safe town; violent crime is exception, only some pickpocket. No racism or anti-Semitism. As I know ELTE institute may be good for you as they teach History and philosophy.</p>