Barely given financial aid?

<p>It says that it costs around $56,000 for students to attend OOS, but they only offered me around $26,550 without loans? I already received a $20,000 Dickinson Scholarship, and they gave me two grants. My EFC is 0, and they also gave me loans in which they noted I could get a maximum of about $20,000 in which is still TOO little to attend. On, it says they give about $32,310 in FA. I barely received a fraction of that, even with a EFC of there something I am missing?</p>

<p>Dude Miami gave you nearly 27k in scholarships and grants, that’s pretty damn good. </p>

<p>Your parents aren’t willing to pay anything?</p>

<p>Your EFC is 0?
How so? Did you turn in the Unusually Low Income form and the IRS for you and your parents?</p>

<p>I only rely on my mother, and yes when filing the FAFSA her EFC was 0.</p>

<p>My daughter got the Dickinson of $20,000. Has a 33 ACT, 3.98 unweighted GPA and top 10%. EFC is not zero. But she got zero grant money! Tulane gave a decent grant as did Case Western Reserve. I have no clue how miami decides the grant money.</p>

<p>Ummmm I got Zero scholarship, Zero financial aid, Zero grants, so don’t complain…</p>

<p>must have lots of money already if your paying for it all!</p>

<p>I haven’t checked to see if my financial information posted this weekend. I’m really afraid especially because I know that even though I’m completely independent at 20, they’re going to consider me dependent since I’m under the age of 24. My parents are out of the picture and I don’t have anyone that claims me. So all of you that have parents willing to pay for your education, or relatives that still claim you, appreciate it.</p>