<p>Hi! I was accepted into UM with a 2000/1360 SAT. I was expecting a 10-15,000 scholarship but got nothing :(
The COA is about $63,000, my EFC is 40,000, and I only received the FL Resident grant for 2.5k, Bright futures for 3k, and two loans for 1k and 2k. Adding that all up, it looks like I am still around 15-16k short. </p>
<p>Is the package + EFC suppose to equal the cost of attendance??
Thank you!</p>
<p>Are you talking about University of Miami? The school does NOT guarantee to meet full need. They did not fulfill your total need, and left you with a gap. This is NOT unusual at colleges that do NOT guarantee to meet full need.</p>
<p>The scholarships at U of Miami are NOT guaranteed as far as I know. You didn’t receive one.</p>
<p>Hopefully you have affordable options in your acceptances.</p>
<p>Not necessarily.</p>
<p>Not all schools “meet need”. Also, they generally will have a student contribution of student loans and expected work or work-study earnings. In addition, if your EFC is from the FAFSA calculation, it may be different from what the school uses to calculate its EFC.</p>
<p>Oh ok. Cause I was really disappointed in only getting a loan. Cant afford to go there
and yes MIami</p>
<p>Shaun, I’m sorry this didn’t work out for you. You were certainly cautioned in previous threads that your stats did not bode well for significant merit aid at UMiami. Best of luck to you.</p>