
<p>This questions is in regards to tier one/two (i.e.HYPSM) schools: If you are accepted into more than one of these schools and you email the schools with the smaller financial aid package and notify them on the better financial aid packages of other tier one schools, will the colleges with smaller financial aid packages bargain with you? </p>

<p>In other words, can tuition costs change depending on the number of schools you get into and the respective financial aid packages?</p>

<p>I don’t think bargaining like that is very appropriate. instead you might tell the schools with the smaller financial aid package that you still cannot afford the school and tell them you might have to go to some other school. Of course if you tell them their package isn’t big enough they’ll consider giving you more but I don’t think you should mention other schools and how much money they are giving you.</p>

<p>What you do is to call up the school(s) with the smaller FA packages and ask for a “reevaluation” of your FA—do not say or imply in any way that you are bargaining for a better deal. While talking to them, mention that you got a more generous package from X school and ask them if they want to see it.</p>

<p>My experience 2 years ago is that they will want you to send a FAX of the other FA packages and that HYPSM level colleges will match FA offers from peer schools.</p>


<p>One of my teachers did this with his daughter. It wasn’t Ivy-caliber schools though, two pretty good LACs in the midwest. Ended up getting a few thousand more in grant money from one school and I think his daughter ended up at that school.</p>