<p>This questions is in regards to Princeton and other top schools: If you are accepted into more than one of these schools and you email the schools with the smaller financial aid package and notify them on the better financial aid packages of other tier one schools, will the colleges with smaller financial aid packages bargain with you? </p>
<p>In other words, can tuition costs change depending on the number of schools you get into and the respective financial aid packages?</p>
<p>First of all, do not email them about this. </p>
<p>You need to decide which school is your first choice and then contact them by phone to discuss the aid package if necessary. I would be very careful about coming across as if you are “bargaining”. Most schools will work with you to make adjustments in their packages but I would not expect that any of the top tier schools will rush to say- Oh xx gave you more money- here we’ll sweeten our pot". </p>
<p>In general, Harvard’s financial aid is the best, with Princeton and Yale coming in very close second. All the rest will be close, but not quite as good as these top three.</p>
<p>I guess this could qualify as bargaining and no, they won’t rescind their acceptance if you ask: S was accepted off the waitlist at Princeton and offered $0 FA. He had been accepted EA at another top school (his first choice, not Ivy, higher cost of attendance) and offered $11k merit scholarship also $0 FA. I talked to a person at Princeton FA and they asked to have the offer from the other school and some more financial info faxed to them to see what they could do. 3 days later they offered a $5k grant and about $3k work/study. Essentially they matched the offer since both schools would have ended up costing us the same. S felt he would be happier at first choice, so he declined. I had hoped for a much better offer since S said he would go if the offer was much better and even though he wouldn’t be happy. S is doing very well at his first choice and there is something to say for a very happy college student vs an unhappy one.</p>
<p>One thing to remember is that as far as I know the FA offices only get your final numbers from FAFSA and CSS Profile sort of like a credit report. They don’t see the detail of your finances unless they specifically ask for them. You can always call and ask.</p>
<p>I’ve read mixed opinions on this. Some people say go for it, and others warn that “bargaining” annoys the colleges and not to do it. So I guess you should play it by ear and see what financial aid offers you get, then make a decision on whether you want to bargain or not.</p>
<p>It depends on what your motivations are. If you happen to get into multiple schools, and you have one top choice that outshines the others in your mind, go for it. Let them know you really want to attend, but cost is an issue. Don’t bargain just so you can shop around and get the cheapest deal.</p>