Barnard Babysitting Service and Columbia

<p>Apparently Barnard has a babysitting service where they find families for students interested in babysitting and mandate a fixed hourly rate and whatnot. I know Columbia and Barnard's relationship is undefined, to say the least, but I was wondering if this service was open to Columbia students. It seems like a good way to make money without having a full-time job...</p>

<p>i doubt it is but either way you're probably better off (financially speaking) looking for a babysitting opportunity on your own.</p>

<p>lol don't all schools offer jobs? including jobs like the one you just mentioned? i know nyu has plenty of baby-sitting opportunities.</p>

<p>I don't think it is- one of my friends was just talking to me about this the other day.</p>

<p>I'm also pretty sure it's Barnard students only.</p>

<p>it's part of their core curriculum, right up there with baking, home decorating, and Making Me A Sandwich 101.</p>


<p>actually, it's part of a course called Taking Advantage of Outdated Gender Stereotypes to Get Yourself Employed. joking in response, but how glad am i that this is the kind of ridiculousness i'll have to deal with from Columbia bigots if i end up at Barnard.</p>

<p>Calling me bigoted hardly sounds like you're joking in response.</p>

<p>If you do end up at Barnard, you'll quickly realize that the number of people who poke fun at stereotypes greatly outnumber those who actually hold those stereotypes. I laughed off SEAS jokes for 4 years. Some of the biggest crackers of barnard jokes are my barnard friends. If you can't laugh at yourself, nobody else finds you funny either.</p>

<p>/let's not start another barnard thread, I was taking a cheap shot. I haven't heard of this service but a lot of people i know, if told about it, would find its existence hysterical.</p>

<p>As a mom of a Barnard student (who has never actually gotten a job this way), this does exist. It's just a place local people can go to get the names of people willing to babysit. Several of my daughter's suitemates have regular jobs watching different kids and they make VERY good money, by the way. One was taken on a cruise this summer, and another is going to Europe at some point (next fall, I believe) to some sort of conference or something to look after the child of a professor. I am pretty sure this is how they got these jobs.</p>

<p>I am not sure if Columbia students would be able to sign up for this or not. It would be worth looking into, though. Just as a sort of "clearinghouse" for names of families who need sitters as well as for the families to get names of students of some intelligence/responsiblity, etc.</p>

<p>that does sound like a pretty good deal. Back on topic, Columbia students who spend a bit of time on CCE's website may end up subscribing to a list called Temp Time, which is a distribution list for temp, hourly positions of varying capacities. Some are babysitting. Some are office work. Some are tech startups looking for programmers. Some are tutoring (which pays insanely well for CU students).</p>

<p>I imagine it's not hard to get a cushy babysitting gig at Columbia even if the BC service isn't available to you.</p>

<p>Denzera: Just out of curiosity, what do you define as "insanely well" paying tutoring jobs? $100/hr?</p>

<p>tutoring anywhere usually pays well in general</p>

<p>i'm talking $60/hr jobs for "tutor my rich but underachieving son in chemistry and calculus because daddy expects him to get into hahvahd". things like that.</p>

<p>I wish I made $60/hr <em>now</em>.</p>

actually, it's part of a course called Taking Advantage of Outdated Gender Stereotypes to Get Yourself Employed. joking in response, but how glad am i that this is the kind of ridiculousness i'll have to deal with from Columbia bigots if i end up at Barnard.


<p>You're from Bezerkley and seem to be a blooming feminazi. You're just what BC is looking for!</p>

<p>I'm a current Barnard student making $20/hr sitting on a couch watching a big-screen TV every Saturday night while the kid is asleep. And no, the Barnard Babysitting Agency has very strict rules against allowing Columbia students to use this service. Sorry!</p>

<p>^ha that sux, why tho?</p>

<p>getting a baby-sitting job for a park avenue manhattanite would prob pay better than this</p>

<p>Well, the reality is that there are a lot of parents who would probably be thrilled to have a Columbia student watch their kid. Even without the service, I don't really anticipate having trouble finding a well-paying family.</p>

<p>$20/hour? wow that's like way above average income (altho it's not constant )</p>