<p>I scored a 710 on the Barrons MathIIC Diag. Is their diag alone a good indicator of real score?</p>
<p>Heck no. I took almost all of the practice tests in the Barron's Math 2 book to prepare, and my scores always ranged from 650-750. I easily got a 800 on the real thing.</p>
<p>I know that their practice tests are way too hard, but is the Diag the same as their practice tests? Like, does their diag follow the same pattern?</p>
<p>take all 3, it'll eliminate any "lucky questions"</p>
<p>I thought that the Barrons Diag was a good test. It wasn't too hard, but there were good questions that made you think. I still have to take some more Math tests before this Saturday...</p>
<p>damn man i only got 630 on the diag test when i took it ><</p>
<p>I think i got maybe high 600s when i took the diagnostic test. I got an 800 on the actual test. (After taking the Barrons test, the actual thing seemed SO much easier!)</p>
<p>^ have you taken tests from other sources like princeton review or sparknotes? if so how does the real thing compare to those?</p>
<p>I did not take any other review tests, but after taking the diagnostic test from Barrons I did not have a chance to study more. I have heard that PR is generally the most realistic.</p>
<p>Did anyone else who took the Barron's diagnostic test (the new one from the 08 book) find it very similar to the CB test in the blue book (form 3YBC)? There were a lot of questions that were pretty much copy paste but different numbers/variables...that makes me wonder if Barron's is uber-overprep anymore. I know they took out a lot of the unnecessary stuff in their new 8th edition, and from what it seems like, at least the diagnostic test was pretty close - I'd say easier than the 3YBC test.</p>
<p>the barrons math II test really scared me. I nearly took Math one bcos I thought I didn't stand a chance, but I gambled n easily scored 800 on the real thing. Somthin must be done about that book- it kills people's confidence. :p</p>
<p>bump on my post #10 - is everyone here using the new 8th edition?</p>
<p>yeah I'm using the barron's 8th edition. 730 on diag test, 730 on practice test 1 and 800 on CB practice test (2 wrong 1 omit) it's so much easier. </p>
<p>i like the barron's review but the practice tests are way too hard. for the CB practice test I didn't use any of the programs barron's provided. i guess i like the review but not the practice tests.</p>
<p>yea, i'm using the practice tests from barrons right now and they are killer. is it even worth my time. im scoring like around 700. But like its so hard to finish, I had like 10 total questions unanswered including ones i skipped.</p>
<p>btw does anyone know how the collegeboard subject test book 2c tests are compared to real thing? i heard they were past tests but im not too sure because i took one just now and it seems way too easy to be true Amazon.com:</a> The Official Study Guide for All SAT Subject Tests (Real Sats): The College Board: Books</p>
<p>I have the 8th edition and I thought the practice tests were ridiculously hard compared to the real thing. I kept getting somewhere between 700 and 750 and got an 800 on the real one.</p>
<p>wow for some reason i thought the CB test was harder than the diagnostic lol...i have a bad feeling about this then.</p>
<p>^ are you talking about the same CB i am? (the one with 2 of each subject tests).</p>
<p>Oh thank goodness. The Barron's book scared the crap out of me and I like to think that I am a future math major =x</p>
<p>ya voodoo - form 3YBC.
And I took the first practice test from barrons. gg LOL. guess the actual practice tests are still killer...regardless of whats going on with the diagnostic.</p>