Baruch Finance major

I am a senior finance student at the Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College. Is it a good idea to do a minor in advanced business analysis(honors minor) or a minor in data analytics? Or should I just avoid a minor?

Which will look more impressive when applying to jobs and top graduate schools in the country?

Thank you!

The most impressive elements are a high gpa, relevant work or internship experience, and evidence of leadership or intellectual engagement. Do not sacrifice any of these things for the sake of a minor…

Did you work this past summer and did you get an offer to return??


Do it for yourself….not for the sake of impressing.

IMHO, pursuing the right business courses might be more beneficial to your career than minor. My recommendation would be to take as many accounting classes as your schedule allows (beyond the introductory financial/managerial accounting courses), especially a course in financial statement analysis. Career-wise, a forecasting course might be very helpful, should you decide to forgo a graduate degree in business.


You need to get cracking finding a job or internship for the current semester.

That’s job one.

Job two is to excel at the classes you are taking.

Forget the rest- it’s just noise.