Baruch vs Queens College

Hello everyone, I’m writing this because I am currently debating between Queens College and Baruch College. I am intrested in a business major and I know Baruch is highly accredited for that, however it is a one hour commute for me. So Queens college is only a 15 minute drive for me, so I am really slumped because going to Queens will allow a lot more of a flexible schedule for me. However, I am not sure if it is worth the compromise in education. Please let me know asap.

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Paging @blossom (who I know is very familiar with Baruch) to find out her opinion.

OP-- what exactly interests you about business? It’s a big field!

Queens college offers finance, actuarial, and international business majors, undergrad. Baruch is much more highly ranked, and offers 18 undergrad business majors. So if what you want is fin, actuarial, or int’l, MAYBE Queens. If you want any other business major, you’d have to go to Baruch, and it sounds as if it’s probably worth it to commute to Baruch, anyway.

So do you think going for finance at Queens college is a bad idea. I know it may sound like a pointless debate, however commute is essential to me at the moment due to the situation i’m in. Also do you think finance is a good degree to puruse a business career and does the degree present a lot of opportunities? Please let me know, as well as how much of a downgrade you think going to Queens College is.